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Old 04-19-2017, 02:34 AM
Suziella Suziella is offline
Default Infant Creatures Extra Credit Assignment

As you will find out in the first lesson of term, there is an influx of infant creatures that need tending to, and Professor Wayland needs your help!

Creature Guide (IC)

You will be assigned a specific infant creature to take care of all term long in the first lesson of the term. (OOC: If you did not attend class and want to participate please PM me for details and we will set you up with a baby) Your assignment is to take care of the babies! You must demonstrate proper care for them, including feeding, cleaning out their cages/pens/stalls, bathing, training them, and anything else they may need. For this assignment you must also write down your interactions with the baby, how they change in size and appearance, and anything you find interesting about them.

The Nursery has everything you could possibly need to complete your tasks and ensure that your baby is well taken care of and will be the place you are taking care of your baby. You will need to use all of the supplies necessary to maintain your infant creatures habitat and feed them.

For full credit on this extra credit assignment, you will need to complete at least Five entries in your journal documenting your efforts of care. (OOC: See below for more information on how to do this!) You have until the end of term to complete this assignment and turn it in. (OOC: July 30 @ 11:59 pm EST).

There will also be an opportunity to adopt your creature at the end of term. More information will be put on the announcements board about this opportunity closer to the end of term.

Assignment and Documentation Guide (OOC)

For your assignment, you will be required to post your character's interactions with your infant creature in the Nursery and only in the Nursery. In those FIVE or more posts you must show your character interacting with your baby. This baby is yours, so you get to name it! You must clean out the cage and feed them in every entry. You must also talk about how they have changed in physical appearance and matured mentally. You will need to do a little research about your creatures to make sure your information is correct. For a few of these animals there wont be a lot of information out there, so do your best with the knowledge that you do have to be realistic in your posts.

Remember, Professor Wayland is there taking care of them when your character isn't, so there is no need to have your character worry about them when your character isn't there. If you aren't sure what to feed them, just call it "infant (insert type of creature here) feed" and I will know what you are talking about. Also keep in mind that some creatures grow rather quickly. For example, a Phoenix matures in 5 days from its burning day, so it wont eat the same thing on the first day you meet it compared to your last day with it. You can make up the description/coloring of your creature, as long as you are realistic and stick to what they actually look like. No purple Nifflers please! Your creatures are not allowed outside of the Nursery thread. There is an outside pasture and play area included in the Nursery thread. You may RP them there! The Nursery thread is a NO CHAT ZONE, which means you are to post your interaction with your creature only. No chatting with friends. Your focus should be on your creature. There are tons of places for you to hang out with your friends around the castle, including the barn, so please chat there and not in the Nursery!

For documentation, using THIS THREAD, everyone wanting to participate should make ONE post using the journal template in the spoiler below. This post will be used to keep track of all of your posts in the Nursery thread for the extra credit assignment and will serve as your journal. All you have to do is use the edit button at the bottom of your post every time you wish to add a post to your entry. Summaries about your entries do NOT have to be long -- the shorter the better! Though it should all be IC not OOC. The most important part of this is your RP posts, so keep that in mind!

Please make sure to number each post in the title of each post. If you aren't sure how to do that just ask Please make sure you use the template below for your entries!

Most importantly, have fun!

SPOILER!!: Infant Creatures Journal Template

[B][U]Member number:[/U][/B]
[B][U]Character name:[/U][/B]
[B][U]Type of Creature:[/U][/B]
[b][u]Creature's name:[/b][/u]

[B][U]Title of your Journal[/U][/B]

[U]Entry 1:[/U]
blurb blurb summary blurb

[URL="http://link to a post"]link to your relevant post in the school[/URL]


[U]Entry 2: [/U]
blurb blurb summary blurb

[URL="http://link to a post"]link to your relevant post in the school[/URL]


[U]Entry 3: [/U]
blurb blurb summary blurb

[URL="http://link to a post"]link to your relevant post in the school[/URL]


[U]Entry 4[/U]
blurb blurb summary blurb

[URL="http://link to a post"]link to your relevant post in the school[/URL]


[U]Entry 5[/U]
blurb blurb summary blurb

[URL="http://link to a post"]link to your relevant post in the school[/URL]


If you have any questions please PM me, Suziella. But remember, do NOT PM me your entries, link them here! Good luck!
Remember, you have until JULY 30 @ 11:59 PM EST to complete this extra credit assignment worth 20 points!

SPOILER!!: Adoption Agreement

Adoption Agreement

I, ________ hereby accept the animal _____________ into my care. I agree to care for my animal in a humane manner and be a responsible animal guardian. This includes supplying adequate food, water, shelter, love and attention. I agree that if at any point I can not properly care for my animal, I will return him/her to Professor Wayland. I also agree to be monitored in my care of the creature, and if I do not meet good quality standards, I will give the animal back to Professor Wayland.

Signed _____________________________

____ My creature will need to reside at Hogwarts during the summer under the care of Professor Wayland.
____ My creature will come home with me during the summer and be returned to Hogwarts at the start of next term.
____ I am a 7th year student that will be taking my creature home with me permanently, but will keep Professor Wayland up to date on the health and care of the creature.

*Journal Template credit goes to sweetpinkpixie
**Assignment idea credit goes to Liisa with a few changes