CoMC Rules and Expectations  IN CHARACTER RULES (IC) - Respect: Respect your professor, yourself, your peers, and most importantly the creatures. If you do not respect them you can get hurt, or they can. If you mistreat the creatures you will loose points and receive a detention.
- Preparation and Punctuality: Tardiness is NOT ACCEPTABLE no matter the reason. If you are late points will be taken away. Don't forget to bring the materials needed for each lesson (wand, quill, ink, parchment, textbook, and anything else that I asked you to bring to class).
- Participation: Please raise your hand before answering all questions. Actively participating in the class is necessary to receive points.
- Dress Code: Since you are outside working with the creatures, school robes are not necessary. Please wear comfortable and school appropriate outfit.
- The Barn Rules: Everyone who's willing to work or just visit the creatures in the barn MUST sign up for permission first. If you do not fill out a permission slip you cannot be in the barn.
- Food and Drink: You may have water but please do not bring food to class or the creatures may steal it from you and it may make them sick!
- Most importantly, have fun, do your best, and always be kind to the creatures! The less healer visits the better!
OUT OF CHARACTER RULES (OOC) - All SS Rules and SSRPG Rules applies.
- Please keep in mind that there is a difference between IC and OOC. Any IC offenses will be punished In Character (points loss, detention, etc.). Any OOC offenses will be punished Out of Character (a warning or infraction in accordance with SS site rules for you, the member). Also, Please remember that Professor Wayland is just my character and any of his actions should not be taken OOC personally.
- Be realistic. Your character doesn't need to know all the answer and/or give the perfect answer every time. Let them be wrong, let them make mistakes. It shows they are learning!
- Plagiarism is not tolerated. If you copy and paste word for word any website or "book" information, I will know. So please, write your answers in your OWN WORDS.
- Catch-up is allowed for activities. If we are in the middle of an activity I have no problem with you writing a catch up post for that activity. If you come in after a question, don't catch up with the answer to that question if we have already moved on. I know you guys have a life outside of SS and sometimes you're not gonna be able to be on site. Classes will usually be about 7 OOC days. Activities will be for 3-4 days of that depending on how much needs to be done. If the class has started and you haven't posted your character arriving there, just pretend that he/she has been there the whole time because there will be IC consequences if you're late.
- Do not EDIT your post unless it's for coding or correcting a misspelled word. Always proof read before posting. If you're like me, you proof read 5 or 6 times. *coughs*
- But mostly, Have fun! If you guys have questions, please PM me!
