//Basics Name Keiyona Nahleejah (nee: Sai) Berkovich
Called Kei, Yona, Yon
Age 32
Date of Birth January 22nd, 2060
Born & Raised Mumbai, India (born) & Republic of the Congo, Africa (raised 2060-2063), Kampala, Uganda (raised 2063-2078)
Lives In Germany
Relationship Status Married
Wand N/A
Patronus Doberman
Boggart Her husband and her family
Blood Status Half-Blood.
Amortentia N/A
Spoken Languages Hindi, English, French, Kongo, Swahili and German (currently learning)
//Schooling & Occupations Uagadou School of Magic September 2071 - June 2078
House N/A
Wizarding University for Astronomy September 2078- June 2081
Campus: Mumbai, India
Librarian Assistant Wizarding University September 2078 - June 2081
Librarian Wizarding University September 2081 - August 2082
Divinations Teaching Assistant Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft & Wizardry September 2082 - June 2084
Astronomy Teaching Assistant Uagadou School of Magic September 2084 - June 2090
Astronomy Professor Uagadou School of Magic September 2090 - June 2092
Astronomy Professor Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry September 2092 - present
//Family & Relationships Donovan Berkovich {
Dated: July 17th, 2083 - May 15th, 2090
Engaged: May 15th, 2090 - July 17th, 2092
Married: July 17th, 2092 - present }
//Parents Miremba Kissa { Makumbi } Sai Mother { 2037 - }
Abhik Bhagesh Sai Father { 2031 - }
//Siblings Akello Sai Brother { 2072 - }
//Children None //Nieces & Nephews Liesl BerkovichNiece { 2077 - }
Holland Amis Niece { 2085 - }
Hamilton Amis Nephew { 2087 - }
//Pet(s) Herschel { b. December 5th, 2088 }
//Appearance Hair Dark brown/black hair, mid-back length, normally styled in waves
Height 5'9"
Eyes Light brown with a goldish hue when the sun hits them
Weight N/A
Accent Ugandan
Model/FC Priyanka Chropra
Keiyona tends to take after her mother, very kind, caring, she would do anything for anyone in need but don't let her kindness fool you she can be brutally honest when she feels the need to be. Though she's very sweet and easy to get along with she does know when she had to be strict towards her students.
Keiyona Nahleejah Sai was born in Mumbai, India on January 22, 2060 at 1:57 in the morning to Miremba Sai and Abhik Sai. Her mother, Miremba, is an Astronomer from Republic of the Congo, Africa. Her father, Abhik, is an Astrologer from Madurai, India.
Growing up in her household was crazy, some days her parents wouldn't be home for days on end due to their research. Her younger brother and herself would have to stay with their grandparents when their parents were away. Once she got to the age of five she was able to go with her parents one their travels. She loved every moment of traveling and learning new subjects and languages.
As a little girl Keiyona had always dreamed about the stars. It could have been due to where she was born and how many Wizarding Astronomers there were but she always felt very influenced by them. No matter how crazy her life was she never once regrets anything that happened in her life.
Once she had started Wizarding school when she was eleven years old she fell in love with the thought of one day teaching Astronomy or Divinations or even being a librarian. She didn't care what subject she taught at the time just as long as she would someday get the experience to teach kids something new.
Throughout her years at the Uagadou School of Magic, she excelled in Astronomy and Divinations. She was also very good with non-verbal spells. Once she graduated she knew that she wanted to go to India for her University studies. Part of the reason for her going was to visit her father's parents whom she hadn't seen in years. Instead of staying on campus for her studies she ended up staying in her old room at her grandparents house.
If there's one thing that she regrets from her years at University it's not getting out much and making more friends. She had friends at university but only two. She always had her head stuck in a book and her eyes on the stars. One of her two friends she met at college became her fiance. She had met her Donovan Berkovich { her husband } while heading to the observatory, she later found out that's not where he was headed. They never started dating until a year after they both graduated University. On July 17th, 2092, Keiyona and Donovan headed to Barcelona, Spain to elope, the couple will have an official wedding in the summer of 2093. Kei didn't know if she should accept the job offer for Hogwarts at first but with a lot of convincing from her husband and her parents she finally accepted the job offer. Keiyona realized that working at Hogwarts is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
//Post Color #E38AAE || Cadillac Pink