everyone Mischievous Niffler "Everyone's been telling me that," she replied to Rooney's sensible suggestion that owls were less dirty. "And I wouldn't have to worry about someone accidentally hurting a screech like I of with people bumping into a worm container. Screeches are my favs," she explained.
More prefects started coming in then. "Hey Juno and Tenacius," she greeted them both with a sincere smile, her gaze lingering on Tenacius's hair a few seconds longer than usual. Seriously, that hair was awesome. Answering Juno, she said, "Yeah I'm looking forward to just not doing anything for awhile. I mean, aside from reading, of course. What are your plans?"
Then Natalia came in and told them it was a pleasure working with them. Kitty was more than a little torn emotionally when it came to the head girl. Earlier this term, she DID threaten to hex her so badly that no one recognized her, while at the same time insulting her hair and saying she didn't deserve to be a prefect. But maybe, Kitty told herself, maybe she hadn't meant all of that and she was just angry. Besides, both Natalia and Kitty had fought side by side against the monster, and Natalia had been the first one to order her back to safety after the monster tore her face open. So maybe she had been forgiven. "I wish you luck wherever you are going and I hope you're happy where it is," she said at last, deciding to see if they could part in good terms. "You're one of the most formidable people I've ever met, so I know you'll be successful."
Water under the bridge, right? |