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Old 04-09-2017, 11:56 PM   #21 (permalink)
Holmesian Feline

Holmesian Feline's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Baker Street
Posts: 30,279

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Marcus Briody Cole

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nadia Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year
x8 x8
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
So this was it. Seven years of blood, sweat and tears.......all coming to an end. Janelle could not believe that her time at Hogwarts was almost over. This was her last end of the year feast and she was determined to remember every second of it. It seemed like just yesterday that she had arrived on the train, an ickle firstie. She had fallen into the lake on the boat ride to the castle. Hopefully her departure would be less eventful than her arrival.

As she made her way over to the Ravenclaw table, Janelle looked around and took in all the sights. She was going to miss this place, but she wasn't exactly sad. It was more like excited to be moving on to the next chapter of her life. Janelle reached the table and gave a general "Hello" to everyone seated there. She slipped into an empty spot and got comfortable. She was going to have to make her rounds eventually. For now though, she was saitisfied with sitting and soaking up the Ravenclaw vibe......for the last time.
Ah another older student and 7th year, Cassie offering a smile at Janelle as the girl approached the Ravenclaw table to join them. “Hello!” the fourth year-going on fifth year echoed back in greeting before taking the older eagle in. She seemed to be fairing pretty well and upbeat as 7th years went…in four years she had seen the range it could go. “Congrats on another year,” she said, opting for a more positive-driven note to any further conversation for the evening.

Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
"Hey Cassie." Kitty returned the fourth year Ravenclaw's smile with a tired one of her own. Haunted as she was by the events in the portal, she still wanted to be as nice as she could. "Nice to be going home?"

She also waved towards Mason, and then Janelle, who was going to be graduating this term. They didn't know each other very well, but having grown up attending the same school, Kitty knew she would miss the seventh year. "Where will you go after Hogwarts?" she asked her in an attempt to make conversation one last time.
Kitty returned her smile and greeting and Cassie took that as a good sign. They were putting everything else behind them to enjoy the evening, looking forward to far better things. Like summer vacation plans and future years at Hogwarts. “Yep…I’d say,” she remarked in answer to the question posed to her. “Change of scenery and all.” Not to mention a break in studying before she bogged herself down with OWLs review for next year.

Was that really next year already?

Speaking of life after Hogwarts…

Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post

Leon returned the girls warm smile as she replied to him and he just shrugged as she asked how he was.. "I don't know if I can say right now, I'm just trying to enjoy my last few hours in this place.. I'll let you know tomorrow on the train how I'm feeling. " He said with a nod, he had so many feelings right now, he couldn't sort them out at the moment.. besides he didn't want to cry in front of everyone!

"Yeah, I'm applying for YATI and then spending my summer with Juno and my sister Az."" He said with a grin. "Any plans for the summer? "

Cassie awaited Leon’s answer to Kitty’s question that mirrored her own. YATI program…she knew what that meant. She did have a former MLE for an uncle. “That’s pretty cool,” she remarked, nodding at the rest of the news. Moving…spending time with family and friends. All sounded very good to Cass. As for her plans… “Just having fun before next year’s exam craziness.” Surely that was understood by someone who had had to go through both big exam periods and lived to tell the tale. They might be Ravenclaws but it was still taxing at times.

Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
Grateful that his smile was returned, Rooney passed a wrapped lollipop across the table to Cassie. "Are you all packed, Miss Cassie? Ready for the summer and everything?" If she needed help, then he was sure that he could find someone to come help her with her things. His was all packed up over a week ago and he was living with the bare essentials. Essentials being his textbooks and the picture of his Olivia Phillips that sat next to his bed every day. They may have been broken up, but that didn't change the level of love they had for one another. And they were technically still holding hands and kissing every now and then.

Best friends, obvy.

Thinking of the Gryffindor, Rooney took a glance over at her table and had to fight the urge to throw a hex across the Great Hall at the idiot who was singing and dancing on the table. Rooney Bronwyn was a fan of expressing yourself dramatically and being creative with your flourish...but this was not the time. People had been hurt and people were still frightened. This was nOT the time. Luckily, Alice Lupin was quick with her wand and Roo appreciated that. If she hadn't, then he was going to.
What was tha---oh a wrapped lollipop. “Um..thanks,” she said, accepting it gratefully even though she hadn’t expected the treat. Cassie made a mental note to pack it in her satchel for the ride home. Speaking of packing, the fourth year nodded at the question, smiling at the familiar form of address Rooney always used. Miss… “Yep, I’m all set.” All packed up and ready to go. No need to wait to the last minute and leave something in the dorms accidentally. Especially when her feline familiar already liked to make leaving day interesting.

As for the summer… “I think so. It’ll be nice to be home and pawn the brother on my parents,” she added with a touch of jest. She actually hadn’t minded too much having Grayson at school with her this term. Well other than having to be concerned for his safety and all that jazz with everything going on.

Oh and she saw that look at OLivia

Originally Posted by Grey Lady View Post
As always, Lady Helena floated into the Great Hall, looking as serene and elegant as ever. There was no look of agitation or worry on her face. In fact, her lips were stretched up into a soft smile that seemed to reach her pale eyes.

The resident Ravenclaw ghost drifted over towards a group of eaglettes and settled down opposite the female Prefect. "Good evening, everyone, and congratulations on making it through the year," she said, "Feeling okay, dears?"

The things that had happened had been tragic. Terrible, even. But if there was something to celebrate, it was the fact that two awful poltergeists were no longer around and thus, the energy of the castle looked like it was back to normal. Besides, she really wasn't very fond of Miffy in the first place.
Originally Posted by Peeves View Post

The cackle following this interruptive statement was loud, and it carried across the table just as Peeves flung "LIVE" chocolate frogs in every direction. He dropped one in a studentsie's DRINK [Janelle] for good measure, too.

"SKIP THE DINNER, GO RIGHT TO DESSERT, STUDENTSIES!" he jetted over the length of the table, spilling the hopping, edible frogs all over EVERYTHING.


Ah…there was the Grey Lady to see them off.

“Good evening, Lady Helena,” Cassie greeted the ghost in return. She was one ghost the Ravenclaw didn’t mind having around. “Thanks…” she said to the congratulations. They had survived. The fourth year was about to answer she was fine when Peeves made an appearance and she groaned instead. “No thanks…Peeves.” Cue flicking a frog away from her as it hopped close. Thankfully the headmistress cued the speech and the food.
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