Resident School Poltergeist | Unruly & Malicious
He zoomed towards the LION'S table, sifting through all of the wonderful candy he had in his bucket. "TOOOOOTSIE ROLLLL, LOLLIPOP, WE WERE EATING NOW LET'S STOP - and have DESSSSSERT!!!!!!!"
The rice-crispy like treats, ooey and slightly gooey, rained down on the Gryffindors. (Some of them even had chocolate chips in them. You're very welcome, studentsies!!!!) Peeves flung an especially large chunk of rice-crispy at the boy who was DANCING on the table (Simon). "DOWN DOWN DOWN ON THE GROUND YOU NAUGHTY CHILD!!!!" Waaaaapaa! There was ONE trouble maker here - AND HIS NAME WAS BLOODY PEEVES.
Pulling a few more red vines from the box, he JABBBBBED some of the girls in the back (Char, Olivia, Alice) and zoomed off.
__________________ You're nothing more than a pickle-headed prune biscuit-eating bulldog. 
P.S. Your bowtie is crooked. And your pink thestral pony is super girly. |