Thread: The Fun Room
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Old 01-11-2017, 04:54 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
The fun room had been another place in the castle that Mason had showed no interest in before Hadley had made him curious about muggle things. In fact, he hadn't stepped a foot inside of this room in his nearly 2 years of being here.

But now he was curious what kind of games muggles liked to play so he entered the room while looking around curiously. The loud sounds, the clicks and beeps everywhere made hkm realise how much he appreciated silence and he was about to turn back around and leave when he heard someone complaining.

He didn't know why, but the Ravenclaw walked over to the young kid playing some kind of game and he watched. Just watched. Not saying a word as the kid tried to get the highscore.

The whole button smashing thing looked ridiculous to him and the kid seemed to get annoyed with it even. Was this how these gamed were played? Angrily smashing buttons?

Strange yet fascinating things these machines were.
A little melody told Carlton that once again, he hadn't managed to beat the score he wanted. Pouting he looked at his name right next to the number 2 on the screen.

Suddenly he noticed someone standing next to him and he looked up at the older student.

Was... Was he the one responsible for beating his high score?!

Carlton eyed him for a second before sighing in defeat. "OK, you're tall and better at me at this game." He muttered, squinting his eyes. "How did you do it? How did you beat my score?"

No fair using magic Mr. Tall and Number One!
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