Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!
Gaston. Gaston. You had to ask her the only thing she couldn't really share and never mind the fact that the exact location was still hidden to her Eye. It'd be revealed in due time. Turning to face the Charm's professor Laurel responded evasively but kindly. "The Seer convention is in the US. It will be a fruitful and fun event I'm sure." One that would give Laurel a chance to meet and do readings of the future together with other seers. "Do you have any plans for the summer Gaston?"
Laurel had kept her feelings about Justin's plans very private. The only one she had shared them with was her cousin. They were very close and his leaving the following morning was going to feel specia. Plastering on a cheery smile and excitement in her tone even if she really wanted to cry, she looked to Justin. "Yes, I will be joining you guys at Disney after the convention. I promised Lucy I would."
Hearing River's voice Laurel looked past Regina and her cousin to let her eyes rest on River as she asked quietly. "I assume you'll be bringing your healer kit with you on your little adventure with Roderick this summer?" It was her way of saying, but not saying that she had seen things. Danger things.
She had just taken another sip of juice when Jordan spoke to her. Turning slightly in her seat to face the creatures man she couldn't help but giggle just a little. "You're welcome Jordan. Now, you believe in my Eye? A fair maiden will cross your path this summer, but she won't win your heart." It waits for someone else to claim it.
Was her seat neighbour Roderick still unknowledgeable about her gift of foresight into the future even though they had spoken at almost every meal served this year? It was concerning especially considering what he taught. "I wish you a nice adventure with River, will it be a start of a new summer tradition?" Laurel wondered curiously. A budding bromance no doubt... Smiling at him she shared. "I will do a little of this and that. It will be nice to shop with Kay and Rose and girl gossip and spend time with Justin and the rest of the family at Disney." Among other highlights.
Feeling her stomach grumble Laurel glanced to Regina wondering how long it'd be until she gave her speech. Kay cut into her thoughts distracting her from her hunger pangs. Flashing her friend a glance she nodded agreeing. "Of course we can book browse. I need to stock up on some new literature too." For both work and pleasure.
Had the headmistress read her mind Laurel fleetingly wondered as Regina stood to make her speech. She listened in silence, and applauded where needed. When the food arrived she was quite grateful since otherwise she'd have to conjure up a snack to not start feeling queasy. Quickly filling her plate up with food Laurel had just put a delicious piece of Shepard's pie into her mouth when Viktor took up their thread of conversation. She was happily surprised too by his offer. Swallowing she nodded to him trying not to sound too eager when she responded. "I would like that Viktor. Can we meet somewhere else this time?" Moribunds pub was not one of her favourite places.
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