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Old 04-09-2017, 12:38 AM   #19 (permalink)

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SPOILER!!: Alice
Originally Posted by Schroyers View Post
Alice was so ready for this term to be over. SO READY. But her best-big sister friend was graduating and the moment Alice saw her she had to cuddle her Precious Star Fish-Haired Mermaid friend. "I will miss you the most, Scarecrow." She joked and suddenly hugged her friend tightly.. And then.. there seemed to be a noise she couldn't ignore..

This was her last feast as well and this tiny person was ruining it.. She could have simply asked. 'Who sings that song? Let's keep it that way.' But that didn't seem enough.. This kid was being disrespectful of the Gryffindor House table. Alice calmly drew her wand and aimed at the obnoxious child. "Flippendo" The Fourth year uttered calmly, hoping the get the boy's feet that had been Merlin knows where off of her table.

Tim was quietly still concentrated on her doodle as the hall seemed to get more crowded by the minute. She had forgotten about the people she was gonna go look for. Apparently her little doodle was more important right now. But then a strong embrace made her set the pencil down and look at the person. Red hair.

Tim automatically knew who it was and grinned at her friend. "But you can visit me when you have time off filming. I'll still be living at home," Because her family nor her had the money to get Tim her own place. Besides, her internship didn't pay.

SPOILER!!: Natalia
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Seeing her best friend Nat moved to the spot next to her. "We did it." Could she believe it? It was crazy, right? Nat was still in shock she actually did it. She made it to her last term, her last feast. She wasn't sure a few times if she was going to end up graduating let alone getting the end with the badge still. "Where's Conrad?" She assumed the boyfriend would be around somewhere, but at least Nat got her best friend time in first.

Oh, look, more guests.

Tim smiled at Natalia and nodded. "More like you made it. I was top notch," She playfully flipped her hair at her friend. Even though they both did need help with certain subjects, and NEWTs were just exhausting. Hopefully Tim got the proper scores she needed for university in a year. She'd most likely cry in her room if gotten a failing grade. But the blonde knew that wouldn't be the case in her three strongest subjects. "He's at his table, I think. I'll go find him later,"

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Her friends all got waves from Charlotte before she found her usual spot to sit. Her usual spot being one that had a good view of the Hufflepuff table so she could see Henry and catch his attention enough for the usual little finger wave.

Teehee. He knew what that meant.

Oh. Tim! Charlotte leaned forward and waved at the older girl. She was graduating this term, and it had only just, very belatedly, occurred to Char to realize it.

"Congratulations on finishing your seventh year, Tim!"

So sue her for focusing on the positive things lately. It was just... easier.


Tim felt like she hadn't seen the other blonde around much. Then again she was busy with studying, exams, homework, and all that seventh year stuff. "Awwh, thank you. Not going to forget me, are you?"

SPOILER!!: Sir Nicholas
Originally Posted by Nearly Headless Nick View Post
The ghost beamed at the two seventh year girls. "Hello, Timila! And Natalia! I do believe congratulations are in order." Each girl got a bow and a wistful smile. It was always a little bittersweet to see his Lions graduating.

The blonde couldn't help but beam as Nearly Headless Nick came over and congratulated her on graduating. "Thank you, sir! It was great to have you as my house ghost," she grinned, possibly starting to get emotional over not coming back to the castle anymore.

SPOILER!!: Professor
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
What was he doing here again? He'd been so distracted by the odd sight that he'd forgotten. Oh, yes, his little gift for Miss Finch! Now he remembered! He approached the girl with a warm, though slightly sad smile. "Hello, Miss Finch! Congratulations on graduating!" he said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a chocolate frog and a graduation card. "Here's a little parting gift for you. I know it's not much, but..." His voice trailed off. "Good luck to you!"

Oh, a gift? The professor was the first to give her one. Tim was surprised he actually did, no other professor would probably remember her. Maybe except Myers because she was always in the greenhouses. No matter the weather. It was her happy place. "Oh, professor, you didn't have to get me anything," she smiled, accepting the gift nonetheless. She'd have to keep the card somewhere safe now.
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