SPOILER!!: Mason
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His stomach gave a low growl as he looked at the still empty plates. He poured in some pumpkin juice for himself and drank it to still his hunger a bit. It did not work. He sighed before letting his gaze go over the table again. More Ravenclaw students had arrived and he spotted the Prefect and his dorm mate smiling at him and Cassie.
He gave a nod back before he noticed that Leon was talking to him. Mason still wasn't sure if he had belittled him on purpose or by accident at the weasley swamp but judging by his normal behaviour it had all been inside his mind. It was a stupid thing to get himself worked up about anyways. "Fine" he answered to the question. "Congrats by the way. Were the N.E.W.Ts difficult?" Just asking cause he had to take them next year.
Still no food. The sixth year was going to eat the candy in his bag soon...if the House elves weren't already packing them for the trip home tomorrow morning. As he poured in another goblet, another seventh year arrived at the table and although Mason didn't personally know her, there was nothing wrong with congratulating people right? "Hey!" he called from over the table and pointed at Janelle. "Congrats on graduating" whatever-your-name-is.
As more people began to arrive at the table, Janelle took note of all her housemates. She
was going to miss them, for sure. Janelle turned when she heard someone addressing her. It was one of her housemates that she had unfortunately not gotten to know well. Mason, that was his name. The soon to be graduate smiled at his words.
"Hey yourself. Thanks." SPOILER!!: Kitty
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"Hey Cassie." Kitty returned the fourth year Ravenclaw's smile with a tired one of her own. Haunted as she was by the events in the portal, she still wanted to be as nice as she could. "Nice to be going home?"
She also waved towards Mason, and then Janelle, who was going to be graduating this term. They didn't know each other very well, but having grown up attending the same school, Kitty knew she would miss the seventh year. "Where will you go after Hogwarts?" she asked her in an attempt to make conversation one last time.
Then Janelle got a wave from her prefect.
"Hi Kitty. I'm headed to university to study Magizoology. That is, after I spend the summer traveling and visiting family. What about you? What do you have planned for the summer?" Janelle felt bad that she hadn't gotten to spend more time with Kitty. Now it was too late. That was something she would always regret.
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Leon smiled as he looked up at Rooney and saw the Prefects offered hand. He reached out his own and gave the other boy a firm handshake. "It has been that Rooney, take care of the school for me while I'm gone, yeah? " He said with a nod. If Rooney didn't get Head Boy well, he's eat his hat or tear a log in half or something. He deserved it. He would miss him as well. He gave his housemate and friend a nod. These goodbyes were hard.. Leon looked at Kitty with soft eyes, he knew exactly what she was going through.. what they all were. He had been in the Portal and had only seen the monster and still his nightmares persisted, Kitty had been face to face with it and had gotten injured.. He couldn't imagine how bad that was. He wrapped his arms around the smaller girl and gave her a tight hug..
"I'm glad to hear it, if you ever need to talk or simply need a friend, I'm just an owl away.. " He said as he released her and nodded. "I'm going to miss all of you as well. " Hogwarts was home to him and now it was time to grow up.. it as a weird feeling.. and a sad one as well.
"I'm applying for the YATI program, and probably getting a place in London. " He said with a nod. Leon returned the girls warm smile as she replied to him and he just shrugged as she asked how he was.. "I don't know if I can say right now, I'm just trying to enjoy my last few hours in this place.. I'll let you know tomorrow on the train how I'm feeling. " He said with a nod, he had so many feelings right now, he couldn't sort them out at the moment.. besides he didn't want to cry in front of everyone!
"Yeah, I'm applying for YATI and then spending my summer with Juno and my sister Az."" He said with a grin. "Any plans for the summer? " Leon turned his attention to Janelle and he smirks at her. "Hello, how are you? " He asked before he turned to Mason and smiled. "Thanks, and they weren't super bad.. study hard and I'm sure you'll do well. " They were Ravenclaws.. studying came naturally to them.
Janelle spotted one of her fellow seventh years giving her a curious look.
"Leon", she said, with amusement in her voice.
"I am fabulous. And you? Are you excited to be leaving this wonderful place?" Janelle was always interested to hear what people planned to do once they graduated.
SPOILER!!: Rooney
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He understood everything that Kitty was feeling and therefore was able to bypass the feelings he had had about her at other points of this school year. They weren't in the majority, honestly. A lot of the time, Rooney absolutely adored his co-prefect and appreciated her for the way she was with him. Kitty could honestly be a delightful individual and Roo was honoured that he was able to be in education with her and serve their school and house together. They were an incredible team, really. "You know exactly how to contact me, Kits. I'm only a letter away. I'll be at camp all of July, but I can still get letters." And he would have a lot of down time to write those letters, especially when he was writing lengthy ones to the love of his life as well.
Liv wasn't going to get rid of him that easy. Nahhhhh.
"Hey, Kits. Maybe you should come visit me in Paris in August. My Mum wouldn't mind!" And if Tamzin heard about what had happened to the Ravenclaw girl then she would probably insist that she came over.
Grateful that his smile was returned, Rooney passed a wrapped lollipop across the table to Cassie. "Are you all packed, Miss Cassie? Ready for the summer and everything?" If she needed help, then he was sure that he could find someone to come help her with her things. His was all packed up over a week ago and he was living with the bare essentials. Essentials being his textbooks and the picture of his Olivia Phillips that sat next to his bed every day. They may have been broken up, but that didn't change the level of love they had for one another. And they were technically still holding hands and kissing every now and then.
Best friends, obvy.
Thinking of the Gryffindor, Rooney took a glance over at her table and had to fight the urge to throw a hex across the Great Hall at the idiot who was singing and dancing on the table. Rooney Bronwyn was a fan of expressing yourself dramatically and being creative with your flourish...but this was not the time. People had been hurt and people were still frightened. This was nOT the time. Luckily, Alice Lupin was quick with her wand and Roo appreciated that. If she hadn't, then he was going to.
Oh my..another of those pesky graduates. Rooney shot an immediate smile towards Janelle and extended his arms around her as she sat down in a huuuuuge hug. "I'm really going to miss you, Miss Janelle. You're going to do so much good in the world." And he was certain that this was one of those girls that he would be hearing about in the years to come with all of the amazing things she would achieve. Perhaps she would one day be his competition in a race for Minister. Perhaps she would teach. Perhaps she would just be wonderful to so many people and make their lives so much better.
"You'll keep in touch? Letters and everything?"
There was a lot of respect between these two Ravenclaw boys, had it been because they both understood each other enough to stay out of the business of the other or just because they were chill enough with their education to appreciate the help the other could give. With a smile, Rooney also nodded. "What else do you think I'll be doing? Swinging from the chandeliers?" Leon was probably the graduate that Rooney would think about in the future and hope that he was doing well. He was also one of the only ones that Roo would make the effort to write to. It was hard to find your people in this castle, because so many people were fake fake fake. But Leon was good people. Leon was a good individual and Juno was very lucky to have snagged him up.
Before Rooney decided to snog him himself.
All potentials.
And then, then came Rooney. Janelle had always found him to be such an interesting young man. As he came to her, she returned his hug with a big smile on her face.
"Mr. Rooney, I think I might just miss you most of all.". As he continued by paying her a huge compliment, Janelle replied.
"Thank you so much. I am definitely going to try." This was a happy occasion. Janelle was
not going to cry today, but Rooney was trying to take her there.
"I will most certainly keep in touch and you.........you make sure to keep those Ravenclaws in line ok?" Janelle had no doubt that the prefect would do just that.