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Hogwarts RPG Name: Solana Selwyn Slytherin Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Selene Diana Evans Ravenclaw Seventh Year | All you peeps! Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen SPOILER!!: Rooney! Quote:
Originally Posted by Shanners After organising his belongings into things he would need at camp and those he would only need for studying at home, Rooney figured it was in his best interests to join the end of year feast. First off, he was more hungry now that his appetite was coming back. Secondly, he wanted to get in his daily glimpse of the love of his life. And third, he needed to get out of his dorm and say goodbye to his sixth year at the castle. Finally. New notebook already in his waistband, the Ravenclaw entered the Great Hall and looked immediately to the Gryffindor table for his Liv. He smiled fondly at seeing her with Carlton and proceeded ahead to his own house table.
Passing by the first person he saw, Rooney planted a kiss on top of Kitty's head and gave her a smile. She knew he was there for her and he had been every day since everything had happened with the monster for her. Maybe now she understood why he had been so shook up after his own encounter and would finally acknowledge that it had been rude of her to barrage him with questions about it when he quite clearly did not want to be involved in such a conversation. Nevertheless, his co-prefect was one of the only people Roo trusted in this here castle. "Eat up when food's here, Kits. Then you can go back to your dorm if you want. I can handle stuff here." She had handled enough for him when he had been both missing and in the hospital wing.
His gaze fell to his dorm mate nearby (Mason) and then Miss Cassie and gave them both a smile. No time for big conversations, he moved on again to find a seat for himself but only after he offered a hand for Leon to shake and also a smile. "It's been a pleasure, Leon." There was only a year between the two boys and so they had been through a lot of their education together, what with being in the same house and area of dorms. Roo wished only the best for the other boy and expected that he would get nothing less than that. Leon smiled as he looked up at Rooney and saw the Prefects offered hand. He reached out his own and gave the other boy a firm handshake. "It has been that Rooney, take care of the school for me while I'm gone, yeah? " He said with a nod. If Rooney didn't get Head Boy well, he's eat his hat or tear a log in half or something. He deserved it. He would miss him as well. He gave his housemate and friend a nod. These goodbyes were hard.. SPOILER!!: Kitty! Quote:
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog Her physical wounds were healed and the magic was too good to leave scars behind, but her face still troubled her physiologically. It was why everyday since the event, she'd traced her fingers softly over where the monster had cut her, and why she was she applied makeup more gently than she used to. It was also why she glanced at every mirror she passed in paranoia, almost as if she expected the wounds to come back in the shape of scars - although she knew that was impossible. Hopefully this would all end over the summer vacation.
In this troubled state, she hadn't bothered to try greeting anyone of her own initiative, but there were still some people she wanted to talk to before the term was over. Leon was one of them, since he was graduating and she wouldn't see him next year. "Hey Leon," she greeted him with a weary but sincere smile. "I'm...doing better, I think." And she knew he knew what she was referring to. "We're really going to miss you," she told him, moving to give him a half hug. "Where will you go after Hogwarts?"
Feeling Rooney kiss her head as he passed, Kitty turned and offered a tired but sincere one of her own. To his offer, she said, "Thank you." That was very sweet of him. And yes, she really did regret firing all those question about the portal towards him in the common room. Of course she hadn't thought she was being rude, but after being cut by the monster and almost killed, she had a different perspective. No wonder he hadn't wanted to talk about it with anyone. "I'm really going to miss you over the summer," she called after him as he walked down the table. Leon looked at Kitty with soft eyes, he knew exactly what she was going through.. what they all were. He had been in the Portal and had only seen the monster and still his nightmares persisted, Kitty had been face to face with it and had gotten injured.. He couldn't imagine how bad that was. He wrapped his arms around the smaller girl and gave her a tight hug.. "I'm glad to hear it, if you ever need to talk or simply need a friend, I'm just an owl away.. " He said as he released her and nodded. "I'm going to miss all of you as well. " Hogwarts was home to him and now it was time to grow up.. it as a weird feeling.. and a sad one as well. "I'm applying for the YATI program, and probably getting a place in London. " He said with a nod. SPOILER!!: Cassie Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
Seemed her mind had drifted off briefly without her knowledge, for the next thing Cassie noticed was Leon greeting her by name along with Kitty and Mason whom she finally registered. “Hey,” the fourth year greeted back with a friendly smile. “I’m doing alright…but how are you doing?” she answered, before turning it back to him. Surely the thought of graduating was something bound to bring up feelings for anyone. “Any plans yet?” Cass added out of polite curiosity.
And then there was Rooney, the other prefect making an appearance and completing the duo. Cassie returned his smile before echoing it in Kitty’s direction as not to appear rude by not acknowledging the other girl’s presence. She remained quiet towards them however as they shared conversations with others, not exactly knowing what to say. It wasn’t like she had her own personal experiences with the portal monster…just obnoxious poltergeists. Leon returned the girls warm smile as she replied to him and he just shrugged as she asked how he was.. "I don't know if I can say right now, I'm just trying to enjoy my last few hours in this place.. I'll let you know tomorrow on the train how I'm feeling. " He said with a nod, he had so many feelings right now, he couldn't sort them out at the moment.. besides he didn't want to cry in front of everyone! "Yeah, I'm applying for YATI and then spending my summer with Juno and my sister Az."" He said with a grin. "Any plans for the summer? " SPOILER!!: Janelle and Mason Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 So this was it. Seven years of blood, sweat and tears.......all coming to an end. Janelle could not believe that her time at Hogwarts was almost over. This was her last end of the year feast and she was determined to remember every second of it. It seemed like just yesterday that she had arrived on the train, an ickle firstie. She had fallen into the lake on the boat ride to the castle. Hopefully her departure would be less eventful than her arrival.
As she made her way over to the Ravenclaw table, Janelle looked around and took in all the sights. She was going to miss this place, but she wasn't exactly sad. It was more like excited to be moving on to the next chapter of her life. Janelle reached the table and gave a general "Hello" to everyone seated there. She slipped into an empty spot and got comfortable. She was going to have to make her rounds eventually. For now though, she was saitisfied with sitting and soaking up the Ravenclaw vibe......for the last time. Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi His stomach gave a low growl as he looked at the still empty plates. He poured in some pumpkin juice for himself and drank it to still his hunger a bit. It did not work. He sighed before letting his gaze go over the table again. More Ravenclaw students had arrived and he spotted the Prefect and his dorm mate smiling at him and Cassie.
He gave a nod back before he noticed that Leon was talking to him. Mason still wasn't sure if he had belittled him on purpose or by accident at the weasley swamp but judging by his normal behaviour it had all been inside his mind. It was a stupid thing to get himself worked up about anyways. "Fine" he answered to the question. "Congrats by the way. Were the N.E.W.Ts difficult?" Just asking cause he had to take them next year.
Still no food. The sixth year was going to eat the candy in his bag soon...if the House elves weren't already packing them for the trip home tomorrow morning. As he poured in another goblet, another seventh year arrived at the table and although Mason didn't personally know her, there was nothing wrong with congratulating people right? "Hey!" he called from over the table and pointed at Janelle. "Congrats on graduating" whatever-your-name-is. Leon turned his attention to Janelle and he smirks at her. "Hello, how are you? " He asked before he turned to Mason and smiled. "Thanks, and they weren't super bad.. study hard and I'm sure you'll do well. " They were Ravenclaws.. studying came naturally to them. |