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Seeing her professor apparently pleased with her work was satisfying, even if Sinead hadn't been doing it for the sake of lessons in and of themselves. Her eyes narrowed slightly at the teacher's advice, as she thought back to her previous experimentation with the spells. Well- she didn't usually have too much trouble focusing, although she was sure she could get even better at that with more practice. She nodded her thanks to the Professor, before her thoughts were quickly diverted onto the more interesting topic of Animagi.
What form? She really had no idea. She guessed that was something pretty personal and she was definitely nowhere near that kind of level of understanding of her teacher. Still, though, it was something she'd thought about a bit more generally, and read a little bit about- whether or not it was possible to predict what shape you'd take as an Animagus.
"A bird, maybe?" she hazarded, after an assessing look at her Professor. She could see that- kind of quick and cheerful. And some birds were really clever.
While she was distracted, Ptolemy had made his way back across the room to her, and now twined against her legs, obviously seeking attention. She bent down absently and scooped him into her arms, mindful of his propensity for finding things to break, or otherwise get himself into trouble. Where was the other cat? She hoped Ptolemy hadn't annoyed him; Bonsai did kind of live here, after all.
Seeing her students pushing themselves further then what they were being taught in their lessons made her smile. It pleased her to no end that they were enjoying what they were learning and were now testing themselves on things ahead of their level. This showed her that it might be time for some more difficult lessons to start taking place in the near future.
Hearing what form her students thought she took was always interesting. The fact that no one had ever guessed it right didn't bother her in the least and that was perfectly fine by her.
"I think many that learn to become Animagi hope at some point that they will become a bird. Being able to fly is a wonderous feeling. However I do not take the form of a bird. I do take the form of a lovely Kangaroo when I so choose to do so." Cami smiled warmly as she let that sink in. A Kangaroo wasn't something many were able to see her as.
As a cat, that wasn't her own came over, Sinead picking up she smiled.
"Well hello there," she whispered softly holding out a hand in offer to give the cat a pet. Her own cat currently asleep on a table near one of the windows soaking up the rays of sunshine that were spilling through into the room.