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The faint voices Sinead could hear from Professor Stewart's office faded as she clicked the door carefully shut behind her, turning to face into the practice room. She always found it a bit of a sanctuary; quiet, well-lit from the tall windows which offered an expansive view over the grounds and lake, and perfectly equipped for Transfiguration practice or even just general study. She preferred it to the library for working- infinitely better than the common room or her dorm- just because it was empty almost as often as not. Solitude was near impossible to come by in Hogwarts- even if the library was quiet, it was still busy. Sometimes Sinead just needed time out to think, and to get some work done.
She stepped out lightly across the wooden floor, her footsteps echoing ever so slightly in the empty space, and set her bag down on the table under the windows. With an air of peaceful contentment, she began to tour the shelves, collecting several Transfiguration textbooks and an assortment of matchboxes, thimbles and the like, which she assembled on a small tray.
It had been about a week or so now since Professor Stewart had really checked on things inside the practice room. The students that frequented the area must be getting rather bored with the set up by now. Cami knew that bored students was never good which was why she liked to go into that room and change things up for the students every now and again. Keep things fresh for them, new learning opportunities.
With a thermos of hot peppermint tea in hand, her cat trailing along behind her, Cami made her way into the practice room. Only having taken a handful of steps into the room she noticed the first year gathering up some books and supplies.
"Hello, Ms. Dance, doing some studying this afternoon?," she asked softly so as not to startle the young girl. Bonsai her cat was doing his usual tour of the room checking everything out.