Banner created by Holmesian Feline
Located along the corridor between the Transfiguration classroom and Professor Stewart's office is a new door. There is a sign hanging on the door that simply states 'Transfiguration Practice Area'.
Should you be curious and enter the room you'll notice that it contains two large picnic like tables one in the center of the room and one located at the back between two large windows. Feel free to sit at one and do some classwork or more likely give those pesky Transfiguration spells a go!
Situated around the room are many different items you can practice on. There's various shelves, cabinets, wardrobes and old chests laying around the area holding Merlin knows what inside just waiting to changed into something else.
Just be warned that sometimes Professor Stewart gets bored of what she sees inside here and will randomly change things up. So don't be alarmed if you come inside and things aren't as they seemed last time you were in here.
If you have any trouble with a Transfiguration spell don't hesitate to find Professor Stewart for assistance. Remember though this room is here for studying and/or practicing only! There is to be
NO dueling in this room.
(OOC: Anyone is welcome to use the room both students and staff! Feel free to make up random items the students might find or things out of the ordinary that the professor may have transfigured just for fun. This area could also be used to practice other spells/charms ect not only transfiguration. Some come alone or with friends and play!