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She had been running and was out of breath. Since the Transfiguration office was on the same floor as what seemed to be going on. She just hoped the professor was in her office. Before she even got to the door she started breathlessly yelling,
Her knocks were more like banging... She just hoped someone was there.
What in the world?
Very insistent yelling had pulled Camilla's focus away from working on next week's lesson plans. Setting her quill down and rising to her feet crossing the room. "What is g-" Cami has begun reaching the door just as someone starting banging on it.
"Calm down, calm down I'm right here." Pulling her door open she looked at the Head Girl. She looked her over quickly checking to see if she was harmed in anyway. There was nothing she could see. "Miss Franks-Mundie, what is going on?" Was someone hurt? Did something happen in the Transfiguration practice room? Cami had no idea what was happening but she wanted to know right away.
Whatever it was it better be important the way the Head Girl had been shouting and banging upon her door.