Headmistress's Office  The oak door opens into a circular room where nothing is out of place. The curtains are evenly drawn apart to bring in the natural lighting without there being too much light, provided by the sun or moon, pouring into the room. Scattered about are lavender candles that never seem to lower no matter how long the wick burns, which are strategically placed to avoid upsetting the portraits adorning the walls when lit at night and when the weather is cloudy. Rain or shine, the perfect amount of light fills the room throughout all hours of the day.
Looking around the office with an assertive eye, you can learn much about the woman who resides here. Books of all kinds -- thin, thick, old, and new -- fill several bookcases, their titles covering topics from hexes and curses to ancient runes and history. A number of interesting-looking artefacts that Headmistress Hawthorne found on her many Curse-Breaking escapades around the world rest in glass curio cabinets, free of any dust and heavily protected. Some of these items include, but are not limited to, the claw of a sphinx, cracked ashwinder eggs, a fossilized skeleton of a White River Monster, a metal brass Indian tea cup (former home of an Occamy), and various gems and coins. On a shelf closest to her desk rests a polished gramophone, which is known to play vinyl records of Stevie Nicks, among others, from time to time.
In the centre of the room stands a grand desk. On the desk itself are various frames containing pictures that capture the headmistress's fondest memories: her wearing a Head Girl badge on the grounds of Ilvermorny, her and several others having just made a great historical find deep within an Egyptian tomb, her holding a newborn clad in a pink blanket with a man's body purposefully cropped off, and several more. The remainder of the desk consists of neat piles of paperwork and an intricate golden hourglass, covered in runes, that will begin steadily dropping sand the moment conversation begins, signifying how much time you have left in the office.
Placed directly in front of the desk are two visitor's chairs that have blue and cranberry cushions placed on them for maximum comfort. Here is where the more serious conversations will be held, whereas the more light-hearted conversations may be moved to the the small sitting area behind the headmistress's desk where plush sofas can be found. OOC: The gargoyle must step aside before you are able to enter the office. Those who post in this thread must either know the password to go beyond the gargoyle or be accompanied by the headmistress or a professor. Posting in the office without properly bypassing the gargoyle will result in your post being removed.