Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<# It was with sadness that Art made his way to the Staff Dais. He had packed away all of his things, besides a few notes for his successor in both the Potions and Gryffindor areas. Nothing too personal. Well wishes, mostly. And whilst his heart was full of eagerness to be with his dear family, and dear Liesel again, he was heartbroken at the thought of leaving. For good. "Good evening everyone," he said, attempting to shove all of his sadness into a box. He didn't want to dampen any mood tonight. "Congratulations Justin, the snakes very much deserved this victory," Art said, giving his colleague a pat on the shoulder.
__________________  EVASIVE | RESTLESS | MISUNDERSTOOD always on the move |