Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Brent breathed a sigh of relief as the headmistress made her way back into the normal plane of existence. A second later, though, his eyes widened as she mentioned the monster was coming. Wait...it was coming?! As in...toward them?! Duuuuuuuude.
Storm was asking about his turn to be the hero now, so Brent took the initiative to encourage him on through. "Yeah, dude! It's your time to shine!" he exclaimed. As in...NOW. "See ya later, man! Thanks for being the hero!" Yeah, whatever. Brent just didn't want the polter-kid to change his mind and disappear right as the monster decided to make its grand appearance.
He stepped back to make sure the entrance to the portal clear, so there was no question that Storm should go through as soon as possible. And just in case something went terribly wrong, and the monster did get through, Brent made sure he wasn't right up front and center.
Alright, Storm. Waiting on you, dude.
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