Gaston walked into the Great Hall with Rosalyn at his side. He was still a little sad about the events of the past term and probably would be for quite some time, but now he could start to put that behind him. The students had returned safely, the monster was gone, and now they only had one poltergeist to worry about. And that wasn't the only way the future looked brighter... but everyone would find out about that soon enough!
He exchanged a quick loving look with Rose, and he couldn't help but beam at the sight of the ring around her finger. He was looking forward to the summer, to returning home to France (this time
not alone) and to planning the wedding. As he and Rose parted ways to their respective seats, he looked up, giving his colleagues a friendly smile.
"Good evening, Headmistress," he greeted the woman seated in the middle of the table.
"Jordan, Kay, Justin..." He nodded politely toward each of them in turn.
"Anyone have any exciting summer plans?"
Gaston took his familiar seat next to Jordan and looked out at the empty house tables. He wondered if his neighbor was going to tease him tonight. Usually it caught him off guard, but tonight he had a reply in mind that would come as a big surprise to him!