Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch The end of the term was upon them, and the headmistress reflected on her first year at Hogwarts with each step she took toward the Great Hall from her office. Everything that had happened under her reign was not going to be forgotten. Even plucking out and storing those detailed memories, those nightmares, and more away into a pensieve was not enough to keep them at bay. Nevertheless, she was glad that the last few weeks of the school year were quiet and, for the most part, calm. Everyone had recovered and survived the mysteries of the portal as well as exams.
Regina's heels echoed in the empty hall as she walked in between the house tables and made her way up to the staff dais. She woman then took her spot in the middle of the table and waited for her colleagues and the students to arrive. Tonight they need not worry about the portal or the beast within, but rather celebrate their triumphs and the end of yet another school year.
A quiet, relieved sigh left her mouth as she folded her hands on the table. Summer was just around the corner.
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