A Poop * k8 * "Um...nothing. Because I literally just got here," Cypress dropped his bag by his table and eyed his department head a bit. She was getting rather round, wasn't she? "When are you due again, Miss DH Lady?" he asked as he eyed the stew...or whatever, that Adam was making.
Of course it was a speed elixir. Cypress could tell by the color, consistency, and odor. But he had zero clue what the man was doing with it...and what was that other stuff? "...Yeah," was all he said after that anti-climatic display from Adam. He didn't mind Adam. Guy was kinda' funny. Not to mention German. "I would be careful with that portal stuff." Man should be at least wearing gloves, right? "And you...shouldn't go near it," he nodded at Addison's stomach. "Seriously." Potions causes accidents sometimes, and no, Cypress did not want THAT on his conscience.
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |