Thread: Love Chamber
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Old 04-03-2017, 08:16 PM   #17 (permalink)
Krel Ansell

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Default Cypress & Addison
*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm)

Adam looked up from measuring out spine of lionfish at Cypress’ voice. “Ah,” he said with a big smile on his face. Good! Someone who could help him brew a few of the test potions. The sooner he could test this hypothesis, the quicker he could get the results to Addison. Not that he was sure it would be of any help. But Adam was currently caught up in the excitement of his discovery. “Dat,” he said answering Cyrpress’s question as he motioned to the blah, nightquil looking potion sitting and doing nothing on lap table, two pots down from the one he was working on.

And just then, Addison walked in. Oh good! She was saving Adam the time of not having to track her down later. Not that she was particularly difficult to get a hold of. Usually the department was in her officer doing paperwork. It wasn’t often that Adam had a string of good luck. (In fact, he had finally gotten the last of the pink out of his hair from his last potion mishap.) But he was feeling incredibly lucky today. Lucky and exited.

“Hallo,” Adam said jovially to Addison with a big toothy smile. He finished measuring out the spine of lionfish and dumped it into the cauldron he was standing in front of. There was small poof of pink smoke which quickly dissipated as Adam moved to his left to stand in front of a different cauldron that merrily bubbling in a neon blue color. He glanced down into the cauldron. Excellent this one was ready.

”You art both just in time for dist,” he said picking up one of the snowflake/spore/dander-thing-a-ma-bob things. He paused to look at both of his co-workers. Mm…perhaps a bit of an explanation was in order. Cypress should have known that Adam was standing in front of a simple speed elixir, but Addison might not. Adam wasn’t entirely sure how familiar the pregnant lady was with potions. ”Dis,” he began. ”Ist a speed potion. Unt dis,“ he said holding up the snowflake/spore/dander-thing-a-ma-bob. ”Ist from dat portal…”

He dropped it into the potion and again there was a fizz, followed by a foof, (nothing really out of the ordinary), and then…..


Adam rocked back onto his feet smiling happily to himself. If he had been alone, he probably would have begun humming to himself the way he did when things were going particularly well. The fact that the potion had not reacted was a good sign. Indeed, it was doing exactly what his last speed elixir had done and was turning that blah blue-green color and losing its bubbles.

Now he just needed to try the snowflake/spore/dander-thing-a-ma-bob affect on different potions…which was what he had been measuring the spine of lionfish for.
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