Everyone! Wowza! While everyone else chose to give their input, Levi remembered his last encounter in this very garbage pond with Miffy and Peeves and decided to cast Henshu on his shoes. The last thing he needed was to add 'I slipped on swamp water and landed on my face' as the list of embarrassments and hurts he'd endured in the past year alone when it came to the school's poltergeists. Especially when he was sure more would be added the second Miffy showed up.
Levi opened his mouth then closed, looking at both Ravenclaw boys, one of which he knew was definitely older (Leon) and the other was... maybe older, too. Or perhaps the same age? It was hard to tell, sometimes. "Uhm." Olivia, on the other hand, received a smile. At least she'd followed his advice. "I think Lady Miffy's mischievious side varies depending on who she's with. With Peeves, she's, well--a poltergeist." Levi reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose with his wand-less hand. "But when she's with Storm--" He paused, considered his next words.
He'd been meaning to just warn them and go get Althea and Declan but it was very clear to him now that Olivia and the other had never actually dealt with Storm. Not that they were looking for Storm, but Miffy favoured her son greatly and the polterkid knew it. "--Storm nearly buried Katerina Delgado--do you know her? She's a Hufflepuff--under suits of armor before, I don't know, enchanting all of them against us. Swords and all." His voice was flat, but his free hand balled up into a fist.. "Oh, and did I mention that he picked up Cassie McNally, flew high up with her and then dropped her?" The boy shook his head. He tried not to sound bitter, but: "Lady Miffy was there, too, and she enjoyed herself quite a bit. She enables him."
And this was exactly why the only thing he'd wanted was to find his siblings and just go home. Somehow. All the professors were distracted anyway, their time would never be better than it was now. But, unfortunately, he had that pesky little thing called conscience. And that conscience could inflict a lot of guilt, if needed. "But, anyway, poltergeists are chaos so they are attracted to what they know." Levi grinned, mischievously, eyes glinting behind his spectacles. Because, maybe, it was payback time. "Anyone got any fireworks? Dungbombs?" Or would they need to wreck the place until the poltergeists decided to show up?
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