~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Kay was rather upset about the stupid mistake she and Rose had made but this was not the time to really think about it. They had to get those two back and not let it get at any of the other students. She was hardly out of breath as she made it to the sixth floor, just behind her best friend. "Rose is right. But if any of you would like to stay to help in anyway, you're most welcome to. However, we need the Headmistress and the other professors and if you do stay, you'll have to follow our instructions without complaint.''
Her heart was still thudding and her palms were all sweaty, not because of the run up to the sixth floor but because she was afraid for Abey and Simon. She was barely keeping it together and barely registered that Rose had sent a patronus off. Instead, she turned to look at the portal. She had half a mind to climb into it right now.
But what good would that do when her defense skills were mediocre? She'd just end up being the victim. A fat lot that would do to help anyone except just fill the monster's appetite if it fancied adults. |