Wowza! His lack of concentration caused some of the post its to fall around him, which caused a frown to make its way to his forehead. Levi scratched the back of his head with one hand and used his hand to send the post its back up in the air with only a little bit effort. "Hmm." Was his only comment at first. Transfiguration before or after Astronomy? Dedicate more time to Ancient Runes or just completely give up on that one?
Levi promptly shoved his Ancient Runes post it aside. It was just best to be realistic, really. "Working at a hotel," Sounded better than a restaurant that mostly hosted rich, middle aged people. They were the worst, occasional amazing tips aside. "Sounds like a dream. Imagine all the tourists." Levi was not actually talking about all tourists, to be clear. But he did not want to get too specific. His cheeks colored pink, a little bit. "Well, you don't need to imagine that, of course." Levi paused, for a moment, fighting a grin that would have probably looked more like a smirk and giving his post its all his attention. "Are your girlfriends tagging along, too?"
If he had a girlfriend and he was going to spend the summer living it up in Jamaica, Levi was pretty sure he'd most definitely--
--invite her. He was, sadly, that predictable. Or good? Boring? It was sometimes hard to tell. This made him frown, though it shouldn't have; Levi was not opposed to acquainting himself well with girls, but the idea of a girlfriend seemed quite foreign to him. Something about not having met the right one was probably something Noelle would say. Or maybe he just didn't like the idea of having to explain himself. Which he could only presume was what having a girlfriend would entail. "I mean, I agree with you," he said, at last, as he pushed up his glasses. Then he shrugged. "But I think this is my dad's idea of showing us the value of hard work, or something. As if he hadn't had everything given to him." Hypocrisy was rampant in adults.
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