All you! (Decloning to post in the Hospital Wing :D) Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Camilla Stewart continued to usher the girls forward as she listened to Natalia. So far all the girls stories worked together and they were doing as told. Her heart and mind were happy that no one here was being defiant at all. "Yes, Healer Reeds office is much closer. Everyone will be safe there." Safety was key for everyone at this very second. "Being as you're not only a seventh year and Head Girl you may come along with me but that isn't necessary." Right now she didn't want anyone out and about for any reason. If Natalia wanted to go with her that was alright but she wouldn't make the girl. "Girls stay behind Natalia and Elle, I'll keep up the slack back here." That way should anything happen the younger ones were alright.
It was right about then that the brunette heard footsteps rushing up behind them and looked over her shoulder to see River carrying Prefect Salander. His shouts directed at her and the group of girls was all she needed... "You heard Healer Reed, ladies, into the hospital wing! Quickly quickly!," she urged them all forward. Cami kept her pace quick but sure-footed as she rushed everyone into the hospital wing.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread! |