~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. No arguments, just sportsmanship- like behaviour. This simply warmed Kay’s heart as she strolled around from group to group. She paused at each for minutes at a time, observing the games. She could see that some of the students were competitive and clearly that most, if not all, of them were enjoying themselves. Finally she glanced at her watch and was glad that she did so because the time was almost up. “Alright, everyone! Time is up. You may wrap up your games if you can otherwise leave it as it is should you want to come back later to finish up. Prefects, please be sure to escort the other to their next can. Thank you all for attending and remember to stay vigilant. Enjoy the rest of your day!’’
Kay’s eyes searched for Nat. “Ms Franks- Mundie? Could you please stay back for a few minutes?’’ OOC: Thanks for attending, guys! I couldn't post last night because I had an issue logging onto SS However, I closed the thread about 4 hours ago. House points for this lesson will be added shortly and remember to keep your eyes peeled for the Top Students |