Wowza! Levi raised both of his eyebrows at her in interest, and then laughed as he shrunk the murtlap essence and pocketed it. It was best to avoid any more accidents with it, there was only a little left and the last he had of it. "Uh-huh. Sounds like the sort of thing you'd say if you were being mean." Maybe. He was clearly joking, however. Though he had to admit his cheek did hurt, especially after laughing. "My face is okay, too. More than okay, actually, or so my mother tells me."
Probably other people had. Or thought it. He didn't know or remembered. It really wasn't important.
He went and did as instructed, trying very hard not to laugh again. "You're bossy." Which, he supposed, made sense; she was prefect, albeit a troublemaker one. Contradiction? Wand still in hand, he cast, "Protego," on himself, and then did the same for her by tapping her shoulder with his wand. "Better safe than sorry." Not that it was the best version of protego, what with Levi not necessarily being used to defense spells, but.
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