Text Cut: Carla!
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Daisy sort of knew that she shouldn't really be walking out of the study group early and alone; after all, the curfew was still technically in place. Nevertheless, it was May and, after the scare of the 'random-kid-snatching-portals' that had been appearing everywhere, not much had been happening. The Ministry was taking care of it, Mum had even wrote to her saying there had been a Board of Governors meeting.
And the school was still open! So where was the danger, really??
Besides, once won't hurt.
The Slytherin was literally dragging her school bag across the floor -- for once overflowing with schoolbooks and not sweets and Quidditch magazines -- and repeatedly throwing a small lavender stone with silvery cracks in the air before catching it. The sun outside looked wonderful and she had half a mind to take out her broom before she stopped in her tracks. Was it just her, or was the castle really noisy all of a sudden?
Meh. Probably just seventh years having mental breakdowns.
Okay, so Brent was just going to make this really quick. He had homework to do, and of all things, Brent had misplaced his textbook. He was just going to do a quick backtrack, and then he'd beeline back to the common room to get his assignment done. He'd been near the library earlier, so hopefully he could just snatch up his book (once it was found) and be done with this little mission.
He had to admit his heart was racing just a little. This school was about as a safe as a bludger to the face right about now. Besides, there was some weird dragging-type sound just up ahead, and let's just say he hoped he found his textbook before he figured out what that sound was.
No. He was NOT scared. Not him. He was a big, bad almost FIFTEEN year old. Fifteen year old dudes did NOT get scared.
He was scared. The dragging sound got closer, and Brent's eyes got wider. What if the portal was opening up somewhere, and what if that THING was still in the portal, and what if he got sucked inside AGAIN and never came out? And what if...
"Oh, hey, Daisy. What's up?" he casually asked. HA. Dragging sound. Daisy's BAG. Just DAISY. Brent was officially a loser.