Ahem... we HAVE to join the monster party :3 Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Noelle was on her way to the common room. She always went by the 6th floor nowadays just to keep an eye out. Today was no different. She didn't expect to see anything. She didn't expect to hear anything. But she did.
First it was Rooney running and yelling help at the top of his lungs. Noelle wasted no time in picking up speed and drawing her wand from her holster. She raced to where there were several students. Her eyes looked around trying to figure out what was going on until she saw.... it.
Gasping, Noelle was glad there was a professor here but they needed more help. She saw the patronus fly from the professors wand so figured there would be some on the way. And was that Ace??? Nooo...
Running up beside Professor Stewart, she looked at the professor, holding her wand out. "What can I do??" She was glad there were so many students willing to fight this monster. Simon better stay away though... Noelle could see him trying to have tea with the thing.
"Incendio!" She yelled, making sure to point her wand directly at that monster. Fire usually hurt right??
Thank merlin Professor Marchand was trying to get Ace back behind the shield. The rest could keep the monster at bay hopefully.
__________________ You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT  Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff |