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Old 03-23-2017, 03:00 AM   #54 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Battleship!

Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur View Post
Board games....

Noelle thought about some of the board games that she played when growing up. She bit her lip trying to think. She looked over at Olly and gave him a nudge.

"I like Battleship." Noelle said, holding her hand up. She wasn't a 100% if that was actually a board game or not but close enough right? "Theres two players. Each player has their own board. And you have your ships and then your darts. The boards are lined up with numbers. So the opponent will say a combination of letters and numbers, like c3 to try and sink your ships. Whoevers ships are sunk first wins."

Noelle had always gotten so competitive during that game. She swore her dad moved pieces.

“Indeed, Ms Summers. Battleship can be classified in what we call a ‘Guessing’ game since we mainly try to guess where our opponent’s ships are. The game was mainly played on paper before eventually moving to a plastic board in 1967. Entirely, it dates back to the first World War.’’

SPOILER!!: Monopoly!

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Why did they play boardgames? Well yes family bonding time was the start of it. Also Muggle culture familiarity, as both his parents insisted that he doesnt lose touch of that heritage. But Monopoly specifically, his father wanted him to be a great business man, just like himself. What Tenacius couldnt say was that the very nature of Monopoly was something he wasnt very comfortable with. Its a game that encourages greed. And he couldnt say that to his dad because he knew it was basically accusing his hero of being greedy.

But right an overview of Monopoly. Up goes the hand "Monopoly is basically a real estate game, the goal being that players buy properties listed on the game board and they can collect rent money when other players land on it. The more properties they own the more money they can collect. The more developed those properties are, like if there are houses and hotels on it, the more they can charge players when they land there. And theres a bonus if a player owns all the properties listed on a specific color group-- hence MONOPOLY. Eventually the game becomes too expensive for other players and they lose money until they go bankrupt. Last man standing wins."

Which is basically how real life works. Whoopeedoo.

Kay nodded approvingly at the Gryffindor’s explanation. “Very right! To add to that, Monopoly debuted and originated in the United States of America in the year 1903. It was geared towards educating the persons about the benefits of an economy that creates wealth.’’

SPOILER!!: Life!

Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
Olly paused before answering this question. He'd played a lot of board games and he didn't know which one exactly was his favorite. He really didn't have a preference and usually just played whatever Colin picked out. Of course the game Life immediately popped into his head because he'd recently played it. But thinking about that made him think about other things he didn't want to think about. He focused on Colin and all the times he had played that game with his brother. Finally he raised his hand to give an explanation.

"At home my siblings and I like to play Life. It's a game where you spin a wheel and move your car piece around to different spaces that signify life events like getting married, buying a house, adopting a child. Bad things can happen to you too like a tree falling on your house or something. Whoever has the most money at the end wins."

Ah, the Game of Life. This happened to be Kay’s favourite too! “It’s almost exactly as going through real life,’’ Kay said with an enthusiastic nod. “You also get to go through college or go right onto a career without forwarding your education. It was created in in 1860 by Bradley Milton and was called the Checkered Game of Life.’’

SPOILER!!: Chess!

Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Etta stared at the board absently as she considered the questions. Well.. she didn't really play that many board games back at home but she definitely did like a couple of them. She raised a hand to answer after a few moments.

"Professor, I think I like chess a lot because it makes you think? And think quick too. You need to analyse and strategise your every move, hoping that move doesn't end up making you lose later on. Chess is a two-player game, each player has sixteen pieces and each of those pieces have different moves. The goal is to 'checkmate' that is.. to make sure one of the pieces, the 'King' can't escape. The most powerful piece is the queen, though. She can move in pretty much every direction." She smiled before her attention turned towards the parchment in front of her. Adding additional notes, she looked up and waited for the class to move on.

“Very good! Chess can be categorised as a ‘Strategy’ board game. The board used is a checkered one with sixty four squares. It is said that chess is originated in India and was derived from Chaturanga, which is, of course, an Indian game.”

SPOILER!!: Dungeons and Dragons! <3
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist View Post
Carlton sighed, dangling his legs a little as the students offered up their definitions of board games. He scribbled down notes while he listened.

Favorite board game? His hand shot up in the air. Me! Me! Pick me! "My favorite isn't on the board, professor!" Which was a DISASTER. "Dungeons and Dragons!" Bounce, bounce, bounce. "It's exciting and scary and new every time you play. Plus it can go on for months! MONTHS."

Heavy breathing.

This little cutie. He couldn’t get anymore adorable than that Kay decided. Kay grinned at the bouncy Slytherin. “Not a problem, Mr Lewis. Dungeons and Dragons is what we call a ‘tabletop role playing game.’ It was designed by designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and first debuted in 1974. It is one of the most popular games to date.”

SPOILER!!: Sorry!
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Janelle listened while her classmates gave their answers about board games. Then she took notes, as the professor added the information to the whiteboard. It was interesting to hear everyone's personal reasons for playing games. Janelle always enjoyed playing them with her family, especially during the rare times when they were all together.

When Professor Stewart asked about their favorite games, Janelle raised her hand immediately. She had lots of games that she liked, but only one favorite. "I like Sorry.". In fact, Janelle was the queen of Sorry in her house. The object is to get all of your tokens around the board first. You draw cards that tell you how many spaces you can move. If you pick a card that says "Sorry", you get to send one of your opponent's pieces back to their beginning position. I love that part." When she was on the receiving end, it wasn't so much fun though.

Kay had honestly forgotten about Sorry! She had played it before but it had been since years ago. “Quite right, Ms Guidry! This game is based off of Pachisi, a cross and circle game. Each player has to get their coloured pieces around the board and to the ‘home’ spot’ to be the winner.’’

SPOILER!!: Scrabble!
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Ohh his favorite board game? There was so many that he and his family liked to play. But there was one that sprang to mind that hadn't been said yet. The seventh year raised his hand and waited to be called on before speaking.

"My family and I always like to play Scrabble, there is a board and dozens of lettered tiles, and the object of the game is to make words out of the tiles that you draw and the ones that are on the board.. " He smiled a bit.. "It's pretty fun trying to see what words you can make and how many points you can get.. each letter has a certain amount of points it's worth.. " Z and J being the most.. at least as far as he could remember.

“Excellently explained, Mr Kennedy! The tiles form words from left to right in rows or downwards in columns across the board. There are many scrabble clubs globally and the game is sold in about twenty nine languages.”

SPOILER!!: The Labyrinth!
Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
Hmpf, so this lesson was all about games!? She slowly started to lose her hope that she didn’t needed to play a game during this lesson and she now regretted that she was here. Her optimism had completely faded because, well… She REALLY didn’t liked to play board games! Video games, YES! A Nintendo DS, absolutely YES! But a board game? Absolutely NOT! Sighing she listened to the answers of the others and well… Because she had stayed silent during the last question she decided that she needed t show some effort this time, if she liked it or not! So slowly she raised her hand and spoke. “I don’t like it to play board games, to be honest.” She said slowly, “but if I need to name one I played while I was younger then it would be a Muggle game named The labyrinth” she continued. And why I liked it was because I always won with that game and I like it to win.” And after that she fell silent again because, what more was there to say about a game she hadn’t played since… 3 or 4 years? Maybe longer…

Oh dear. Leesha didn’t like board games? That was a little bit sad but perhaps she would change her mind after this lesson. However, the Professor was glad that a game had been given. “Labyrinth is a game that can accommodate two to four players at once. The players’ goal is to collect treasures in the labyrinth, which is a maze built of fixed and moving pieces, and then return to their starting position.''

SPOILER!!: Clue/ Cluedo!
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Board games…goals…tokens.

Yep, all fit into what Cassie knew from her own times playing them. A family activity for sure, as well as with friends. It had gotten a little harder when Grayson had been old enough to join in on the game playing, her little brother could be a sore loser at times, but it was still enjoyable for the most part. Especially on rainy days as someone said. As for the discussion happening as they moved on, the Ravenclaw had to think for a bit on one that she might deem her fav as she copied notes from the board onto her parchment.

Oooo she had one. One of her favorites hadn’t been mentioned or listed on the board.

“I like a game called Clue. By making guesses and getting near other players on the board, you get clues to try and figure out who committed a crime.” Granted more for the older crowd, but still a competitor. She liked mysteries and puzzles.
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
Wow that was nice of the professor to give her points for knowing the board games. She smiled but didn't have time to say thank you because the lesson was already starting. The first question was answered so thoroughly by her classmates that she decided to stay silent for now.

But what was her favorite board game? She'd played many games before, but probably one stuck out more than the rest. "One game I've played a lot is Cluedo," she said, her hand flying into the air. "In America it's just called Clue, but everywhere else it's Cluedo. It's for two to six players, and in it you try to discover who murdered Mr. Boddy." It was only after several years of playing that she realized Mr. Boddy clearly referred to the character's dead body. "There are six character figures: Miss Scarlett, Professor Plum, Mrs. Peacock, Reverand Mr. Green, Colonel Mustard, and Mrs. White. Who the killer is determined by who has which cards, or rather, which cards no one has. At the beginning of the game there are three cards put into an envelope that no one sees: one suspect, one room, and one weapon. The winner of the game is the person who determines which card everyone of these three is."

"I like this game because of the memories I have playing it, and also because I like how you solve the mystery, and how there's not really a loser."

The mystery game! Kay found anything to do with mysteries rather interesting. “You both woud be right, Ms McNally and Ms Valentine. The game was created by Anthony Pratt of Birmingham, England and was first manufactured in the UK in 1949.’’

SPOILER!!: Settlers of Catan!
Originally Posted by Suziella View Post
Juno had a lot of games that she loved playing but one that her family really enjoyed playing together wasn't one that was really that well known. At least she thought it wasn't.

Juno raised her hand, and when called on replied. "My family and I really enjoy playing Settlers of Catan. In the game each person is considered a land settlers were you are trying to build and develop your land while gaining resources to build and get more land. You get points for growing your settlement and the first person to reach a certain amount of points wins. It's really fun and takes time and a lot of strategic moves." Juno and her dad happened to be the best at this game. Sometimes River would win too.

Just thinking about it, she kinda wanted to play...

This was yet another game that Kay hadn’t thought of in a very long time. “Correct, and to add to that, it was created by Klaus Teuber and first published in 1995 in Germany. It was originally called Die Siedler von Catan.’’

SPOILER!!: Pie Face!
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Natalia had been sitting quiet. She wasn't much in the mood for class today, but she was here. She had heard the professor say she was there for her, but she wasn't really wanting to talk about things.

They were talking about board games and Nat wasn't all that familiar with them. honestly she couldn't even say she was familiar with wizard kid games either. She didn't get to be much of a kid with her mother. So she missed the most of learning how to play or getting interesting in any type of games.

When they started talking about other games they wanted to play she thought about things she saw at the muggle shops she walked past as a child. Her hand slowly raised, "Professor I don't think this is a board game, but maybe it is? It was called...." What was it called again. She tried to think about it, "Pie in the face I think."

Kay was very concerned for Nat, having just remembered a sad but significant even that had occurred. She was awfully quiet and she had already made up her mind to speak to the Head Girl after class. Pie in the Face? Kay blinked for a moment. “I think you’re referring to Pie Face,’’ she finally deduced. “But this is a game where players load something called the ‘arm’ with whipped cream. They then take turns sliding their heads through the mask and spinning the spinner. Players turn the handle the number of times indicated on the spinner and the tension on the arm builds. Eventually someone gets splatted with the whipped cream.’’ Which was worth it in the long run...

SPOILER!!: Candyland!
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post
Sooooo now they were adding to Professors Stewart's list of board games. Yes....... The Hufflepuff listened to all of the other answers, she did not want to repeat one that had already been added to the main list of the professors. She was way to much of a board game fanatic to let two be repeated by her.

"Candyland has always been my favorite. It's a candy themed game. The goal and the way to win is to get all the way through Candyland first. On the board are places you can visit in Candyland, like peppermint forest, or ice cream sea. The game pieces are candy themed characters as well Mr. Mint and Princess Lolly are a few of them." She played it whenever she got a chance. She had even taught Cornelius how to play a few summers ago. Also Kat always used the chance to play candyland as a chance to get to eat candy all afternoon while playing. Some of the kids that she babysitted last summer really enjoyed that idea of eating candy while playing the candy themed game too.

“Very right you are, Ms Delgado! This particular board came first appeared in 1949 and accommodates two to four players. It is very popular among kids since there is no reading and a small amount of counting skills is needed. But it is never the less fun for adults.’’

And with that part of the class coming to an end, Kay headed behind her desk. She had something stashed away under it. Quickly she lifted a medium sized cardboard box. Blue eyes shining with the excitement of conducting another lesson, she addressed her students. “In this box.’’ Cue her setting it down on her desk. “I have an assortment of board games, some that we have discussed, some that we have not. What I’d like you to do is to grab a partner or any others who want to play the same game as you. Remember each game has a specific amount of players that can play at once. I have multiple of the same games should a lot of you opt for a specific one.

“So! Select your partner or partners and come get a game, one that you have never played or not played in a long time.’’

OOC: Hey, guys! There’s twenty four hours for this mini- activity and there is no specific amount of posts required.
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