Join Date: May 2009 Location: London
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Alexander River Hirsch Gryffindor Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: --
x11 x11
| urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Text Cut: Isa and Leesha Text Cut: Isa Quote:
Originally Posted by griffin Those poor vulnerable children, having their lives taken from them in such a horrible way. Oh good, Professor Hirsch was speaking to her discreetly. Wouldn't want the entire class to notice that she was feeling sick. She whispered back to the professor, "I, um, think it might be related to all the gruesome thoughts. Water would be good. Thank you." She appreciated Professor Hirsch being so kind and helping, but she was also slightly embarrassed. Didn't see everyone else feeling sick at the mention of gruesome topics. Isa was easily disgusted by gruesome thoughts, but the feeling would probably pass once they had moved on to something else in the lesson and after drinking some water. If she still felt sick later she might go to the Hospital Wing, but for now she would stay here.
When the class moved on to practicing silencio, Isa was relieved that for the moment there were no gruesome discussions. She wasn't feeling up to trying, the spell yet, but if the nausea subsided she would practice it. For now she was trying to direct her thoughts away from the topic of children being eaten and the accompanying imagined visuals. Silencio. Not at all disgusting in any way, just a useful defensive spell. That was it, think of something else to avoid making herself feel any worse. Isa jotted down a few notes about the spell, although she really wasn't feeling like doing much right now.
A part of him wanted to tell her that this was Defence Against the Dark Arts and no light topics were discussed in this classroom but the other side, the side that was made softer because of his profession, started feeling bad. She was only twelve, after all.
Without saying anything, Hirsch took out his wand and silently conjured up a small goblet that was then filled up with water. He then held it out to her and whispered in the same tone as before, "Drink up. You don't have to take part in the main activity if you don't want to." After all, he didn't want to make her feel even worse than she probably did. Text Cut: Leesha Quote:
Originally Posted by Sonea With her wand in her hand she pointed it at the music box and made the right movement after checking it while reading her notes one last time and she spoke the spell, slow but with a clear voice. “Silencio” but while she did it she… Sighed. Nothing happened at all! The unicorn was still making small circles inside the music box and the music was still playing. Hmm, this wasn’t what she wanted! Yes, she knew that the spell was difficult but she at last had hoped that SOMETHING would happen! Looking slightly frustrated she pointed her wand again at the music box and she repeated her previous wand movement, exactly following the instructions “Silencio” she said again, for the second time but again… Nothing! “STUPID!” She snapped and she made a irritated movement with her wand in a random direction and… One of her still empty parchments started to smolder and a slight smoke appeared! Quickly she slammed with her hand on the parchment to make sure that no fire would appear and then she sighed. Stupid. STUPID! Looking quickly at the professor to check if she had been seen she felt slightly worried because… She was a second year now, she couldn’t act so stupid!
While the class were practising the spell, Hirsch wandered around between them, noting just how quickly some of them seemed to be at getting the spell right. Huh. Maybe he should've suggested non-verbals, instead.
As for the younger kids, there was a mix. Some seemed to get it right sooner or later while others........... well. Green eyes landed on Miss Griffel in particular, who seemed to want to start campfire in the classroom rather than silencing her music box. "Eaaaaasy, Miss Griffel. Take some deep breaths, concentrate and try again." Getting angry wasn't going to help.[/COLOR]
When it looked like most of the class seemed to have the spell under control well within the fifteen minute mark, Hirsch called for order by letting out a small whistle. Because of how empty and spacious the room was, the whistle resonated and seemed to bounce off of the walls. Useful, wasn't it? "Okay, listen up, everyone! There's no use practising a spell without putting it into proper practice so we're going to move onto the main portion of the lesson." Something he had been pretty excited about but was now slightly concerned about. Circumstances. "Firstly, if everyone could pack up their things and move it towards the front of the room and against the wall or my desk, that would be great. You can place your music boxes there as well." Otherwise it was going to get trampled on.
While they did so, the man was just going to continue talking. The sooner they got this started, the better. "This..... is going to be a pretty heavy task so if anyone in here," Particularly Carlton, Rooney and Henry. "don't want to take part, you can come up to my desk and sit here, instead. I will not be offended in the slightest." "For the rest of you, I have a battle in mind where we're going to use......" Cue a dramatic pause in which Hirsch turned around and flicked his wand towards the dummies that were present. Immediately, they started shrinking and changing shape so that they looked more and more like evil house-elves than their usual blank selves. "..... Erkling!Dummies!" Should he wait for some kind of reaction? Yes? No? "Your task? To defeat them. Get into four or five small groups and work together on this task. As a team. They'll try and lure you towards the right hand side of the room. Resist them and use the spells we mentioned before. If you don't, you'll be stuck on the wall until someone comes to save you." Which, surely, no one wanted to have happen to them. "Some things to remember is that even though they look like Erklings, they're not going to devour you. They will not cause serious damage because frankly, I won't let that happen." And this was his serious face right here. "Don't be scared, you're just putting the spells you've learnt into practice in a more practical way. If, in the middle of the task, you don't want to take part, you're welcome to come over to my desk and sit the rest of the activity out. For the rest of you, the spells you need are......." Text Cut: Spells!Board Quote:
Originally Posted by Board!Spells Spells: - Silencio - silences the target
- Orbis - sucks target downwards and into the ground, as if it were made of quicksand
- Stupefy - stuns/knocks out the target
- Expelliarmus - disarms the target, can be used to knock them back if used forcefully enough
- Incendio/Incendio Duo/Incendio Tria - conjures flames/can be used to set the target on fire
- Petrificus Totalus - full body-bind curse; binds target's body
- Incarcerous - ties target up with ropes
- Babbling Curse - forces victim to babble whenever they try to speak
- Flipendo/Flipendo Duo/Flipendo Tria - Knockback Jinx; pushes or knocks out the target
- Deletrius - disintegrates the target
- Protego - shield charm; produces a magical shield
- Impiriano - creates a barrier that blocks physical objects
- Fianto Duri + shield charms - strengthens a spell, mostly shield spells, and allows you to do something else in the meantime
- Langlock - glues target's tongue to roof of their mouth
- Reducto - breaks target, can be said to disintegrate them
"......... right here."
Breathe. "I'm going to give you twenty-five minutes for this portion of the activity. So, without further ado......."
Pause. "........ GO!"
While the Erkling!dummies started moving, Hirsch proceeded to draw a safety line around the area near the front of the room where his desk stood. OOC: Apologies about the delay! Things happened in the real world and yeah <3
The task sounds hectic but I promise you that it's super simple! Hopefully. All you have to do is defeat the Erkling!Dummies using the spells you've learnt/have brought up in the lesson. I didn't want to overload you with info about the spells but a list can be found right HERE. Or you can use the HP Wikia page as well. If your charrie wants to use any other spell, that's completely fine by me ^^ Ways to know that the Erkling!Dummy has been defeated:
- It freezes and stays frozen for thirty seconds
- It gets sucked into the ground
- Literally just set the bloody thing on fire
- If you tie it up and get it to stop moving
- Honestly, if you get it to stop moving in any way, you're the winner
If you get "lured" by the Erkling!Dummies, you'll likely be stuck on the wall on the right hand side of the room and will need to be freed: How to be saved/save a teammate:
- Physically dragging them away from the wall
- Using Finite/any variation of Finite
- Defeating the Erkling!Dummy that did the sticking in the first place
I'm leaving the task up to you but I will be RPing the dummies themselves. Just to spice things up Please please please work together on this. Teamwork! And please label the title of your posts with what team you're part of: team A, B, any clever team name you want to come up with.
While the creativity license is up to you guys, please keep the DADA and general site rules in mind and please don't get your charries hurt TOO badly. I will not be a happy unicorn if that happens.
You have a little over 76 hours to complete this activity. I'll close the lesson up on 25th March at 11:59pm GMT. There is NO POST LIMIT! You will be awarded points based on creativity. Quality not quantity ^^
If you have any comments/questions/concerns, please don't hesitate in giving me a nudge <3
Last edited by hermionesclone; 03-22-2017 at 08:11 PM.