∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe Quote:
Originally Posted by Ama What? "What?" Declan repeated. His legacy was going to live on stage? He looked up from his book to raise a quizzical brow at the Ravenclaw. That was the most un-Ravenclaw thing he had ever heard. Guess they really broke the mold with the one guy before him. Then he said something a little more Ravenclaw like. Declan chuckled. "Yeah, true. Although if you focus on trying to do too much you end up being slightly above average in a lot of things and not a master of anything."
Declan was not a master of anything, and he was a dabbler in a lot of things. He probably thought he should focus on one thing and was sounding very hypocritical for saying what he did. "But I get what you're saying. I kind of agree." Mostly, he was just greedy. He wanted to know about everything and be able to do most everything except people had their limits. "Why?" Declan asked again, seriously confused. This time he shut the book he was holding closed. "I don't crave attention that badly. I like my life low-key, thanks. It's bad enough I attract attention as it is." Seriously, if he could stop having weird dreams and hearing whispering he would be the happiest boy at Hogwarts; normal and maybe slightly mediocre like a lot of the students. "No fire, and I guess that must be how your normally look," Declan with a shrug of his shoulders. Who was he to judge? "I was just wondering if something made you sound this bitter and depressed or are you just like that on the regular." "What?" What was the kid 'what'ting? Goodness gracious, other people were infuriating when you didn't spend much time with them anymore. Rooney was wanting to take this textbook and go, but knew that involved a visit to Professor Marchand to get permission to take the book back to his dorm and that was everything he did not want to be doing right now. He'd just came here to practice and to be alone and away from Ravenclaw tower. 1. He wasn't alone. 2. He now wanted to be back in Ravenclaw tower.
Roo did however scoff at the comment about being average in a lot of things. "I don't do average." It wasn't a lie. Rooney could sing, act, was working on his dancing and he was a whizz at pretty much all of his classes. But that was because he was dedicated. He had a timetable. He had a schedule. And holy heckle did he stick to it and work his backside off. Free time was something that Roo had very little of. All in all...average, he was not.
Face straight, the sixth year pursed his lips and raised an eyebrow. "I think the kid that was missing for five days and stuck in the hospital wing for three attracts much more attention." You know...if they were having a little competition about attention and all. But apparently the other boy didn't enjoy the attention, so he wouldn't want to be taking the bulk that Rooney was now subjected to on the daily. "Yeah, I was a stroppy kid and the wind changed. Mum always said I'd be stuck that way." Kidding. Could he tell?
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