Research party and Katerina. And POLTERGEIST fam. Wowza! A scream should have been enough of an indicative that things had escalated beyond what anyone would consider an average prank caused by one of the school's poltergeists. And yet by the time Levi joined his brother and the rest at the armor gallery, he nearly bumped against Cassie and felt his mouth open to form a perfect 'O.'
Declan hadn't missed a beat, and Brent only barely half of one, if that, while Cassie got busy trying to find the source of the very human scream. It took Levi ten seconds to spring into an action, and it only happened once his brother's words had not only registered but also settled in.
What was--what was the--??? Oh, right. "GUYS."
He pointed his wand at Declan, said "Protego!" Then he turned to look at Cassie and Brent and did the same.
In another moment this might have been hilarious; the idea that as a Gryffindor, Levi hadn't jumped straight into action and had chosen to momentarily stay back to protect the other three. But it was difficult to find humor in his present situation; because by the time he got around to casting the shield charm on himself, unused as he was to any kind of dueling--if this could be called that--, there was a touch of slugginesh to the way protego came over him, and Levi had the sinking feeling it probably wasn't going to hold on for too long.
Well. He'd just have to deal with that later. "You MONSTERS." He fumed at Miffy and her brat. "No wonder even Peeves is done with the both of you."
Monsters seemed like a perfectly apt description when as he snooped around, trying to avoid getting too close to the falling armors, Levi spotted what looked like... a foot? Or leg. And hair. And--"HEY!" Levi called loudly, bracing against the walls as he moved towards the fallen girl. A piece of armor clanked against his arm, and though it didn't necessarily hurt him, Levi knew that the fact he had felt it was not a good sign. He crouched next to the girl, trying to position himself between her and whatever armor might try to fall on her. "Hey--we gotta move. I'd cast protego on you but--uh, I don't think I can." This was embarrassing enough to make him blush, despite the circumstances. It didn't matter if the girl was a stranger. "Sooo, I'm your best bet right now."
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