Wowza! "Yes, of course, sorry," Levi began, draping one of his arms around the back of the couch and allowing sarcasm to leak into his tone. "I forgot we live in a--what is it muggles call it?" He pretended to to think about it. "That' right--a dictatorship."
He was mostly joking.
To prove it, he waved one of his hands, dismissively. "If we are doing a protean charm, then we need a duplicate of the same thing." He was probably pushing his luck, at this point. And maybe duplicate wasn't the correct word, since there were three of them. Or was it? "Right? Something that wouldn't be weird for people if they saw all three of us have it."
Levi still was of the idea that involving Peeves with anything was a mistake that would end up with howlers from home being sent over, at best, and being pulled out of school altogether at worst. Though he could see Declan's reasoning, he supposed--he just wasn't particularly willing to entertain it. "We could always offer our services to him, I s'ppose. As buffoons, or whatever." Nope.
He leaned forward, towards Declan's, eyeing the shuffled cards in speculation. "You're feeling what, Althea?" That almost him laugh. "Dad would looooooove to hear about that one." Ridiculous. He drew the first card his eyes landed on, and revealed it. "Jack of Spades." Levi lifted it until it covered his nose and mouth. "What does that mean?"
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