Whaaaaat o whaaaaat would happen during this lesson? Excited because she had liked most of the previous lessons she wanted to know what she would learn today and… When she entered the classroom she looked… Surprised! Music boxes? But… Why? For as far as Leesha knew it, those music boxes were commonly used and practically ONLY used by muggles, unless those boxes were charmed with magic… Not sure what to think about it she walked closer toward the professor and smiled friendly at the teacher. “Hello professor” again she smiled friendly because it was ALWAYS a good idea to show some respect for the person who was able to give her housepoints!
After reading what was written on the blackboard she picked one of the music boxes she liked, it was a blue colored music box and she liked it! Why blue? Because it was a cool color, better than pink what was SUCH a girly color… Bleh! With her box in her hand and her school back hanging over her shoulder she picked her usual place, close by the window so that if the lesson would became boring that she always could distract herself by looking outside. Sitting down she looked at the music box and she tried to find out if it was a random muggle one or if it was a charmed one and more importantly, she tried to find out WHAT she was supposed to do with it!