Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Alright, it was time for Brent's favorite class, so of course he was really upbeat, energetic, happy, and ready to go. On one hand, he was kind of ashamed to face Professor Hirsch. Both of his duels had failed, and neither him nor his opponent had won. He had hoped to do so much better in the Dueling Club. Hopefully he'd be allowed back in next year...
He walked into the class, not surprised to see just mats and cushions for seats instead of desks. Passing by Hirsch's desk, he grinned at the man who taught his favorite subject. "Hello, Professor Hirsch," he said. He selected a music box then went to claim a mat. He wasn't really a music box playing kind of dude, so he just looked at his music box while waiting for the professor to get things started.
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