Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... She heard Ace and couldn't help but smile a bit at his excitement. "He was in the portal, he probably is a good resource for us." He might not have seen the monster but he had been in there and saw other things. Her fingers touched the books as she walked around looking for books that might work. "Flamsteed was saying something like that, I think?" She really couldn't remember everything the man went on about.
Stopping she stared at a few books. Why on earth would they be chained? She glanced around. The librarian would never let them unchain these. Even if they had the information they needed. Was it worth hearing her scolding?
Yeah... it was.
Pulling her wand she unlocked the Secret of the Darkest Arts. This one did look promising. She pulled it from it's shelf and opened it determined to find out what was in it before she was yelled. What if something in here could help and the librarian was so uptight that they never found it. Nat wasn't taking that chance.
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