"OOPSIES!" the polter-kid shouted, sticking out his tongue, before his high-pitched giggling filled the entire hall. This was just absolutely HILARIOUS to him. He wasn't sorry at all.
Laughing uncontrollably for a few moments, Storm did a number of mid-air back flips and twirls. His little feet kicked about as he did so, his hands still holding into the bowl. How Peevesie didn't like him was a mystery. He was a genius prankster!
But what was that? Were his victims trying to IGNORE HIM?! Puh-lease!
Storm zoomed up close and personal to the boy, scrunching up his face and sticking out his tongue. He could smell just fine with his nose, thank you very much. A sly grin formed on his face. "How well does your nose work then?" With a swift kick of the air, his rear end was level with the boy's face and he let one rip. FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTT!
Next up was the girl, who was trying to SCARE him. Her words made him laugh even more. "You don't scare me!" he shouted at her as she pocketed her wand. "I'll do as I please!" He rose the empty bowl above his head and flung it at her.
The polter-kid then floated hiiiiiiiiiigh above them. "Toodleloo, losers!" he said to them, sticking his tongue one last time before he disappeared and floated away, laughing hysterically as he whizzed through the doorway and further into the castle.
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