Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door You couldn't really call History of Magic lessons boring; not this term at least, what with the Salazar Slytherin "debate" and all of that but -- well, they still weren't the most animated hours Daisy had experienced. So she was settled nicely into her seat, elbow on the table and head resting on her hand, ready to listen. That was all she would do. Listen, take notes and hope that if a portal opened near her it would at least take her alongside someone who was strong at spellwork.
That might have been why she had decided to sit by the Kennings, but ssshh.
That all changed, though, as soon as Professor Newton asked the first question. "It's the best sport EVER!!" She rather randomly burst out, head no longer dropping in boredom. QUIDDITCH! They were talking about QUIDDITCH!!
.... was this the beginning of The Return of The Quidditch to Hogwarts???
!!!!!!!! "Annnd --" Simply because Professor Newton had asked about the history of the sport and that had simply been a FACT, the Slytherin sat up straighter in her seat and, this time, remembered to raise her hand. "Since 1368, it is illegal to play Quidditch within one-hundred miles of a Muggle town." Which wasn't really connected to the origin story, she supposed, but it was an IMPORTANT detail. "Which makes sense because they would be so confused." And the Secrecy Act and all of that, of course.
Daisy wasn't really sure how well she could play Quidditch if she was chained to a dungeon wall.
Last edited by Crayola; 03-17-2017 at 12:18 AM.