History of Magic Lesson Two - Wizarding Games and Sports It was a lovely morning in mid April, and Rosalyn couldn't help but be in a good mood despite the horrible circumstances. Not that she was letting it show TOO much. No need to be selfish and think of the good things in her life at a time like this when students were in danger. Students that she loved like her own children. Every day she was terrified that someone else would be snatched away.
As it was, she was waiting by the door for the students to start arriving. Usually she remained seated, but she wanted to keep a watch on the corridor just to be safe. Of course she had provided a snack like always. Today it was a choice between chocolate and vanilla cupcakes. Lesson Progression: What do you know about the history of Quidditch? Give an example of another wizarding game or sport and share a fact about it Activity OOC: Hey, guys! While talking is allowed, please try to keep chatting to a minimum. I will be starting the lesson in approximately 24 hours.  CLASS HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED |