♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# SPOILER!!: River and Kay Quote:
Originally Posted by Stefan River was busy re-stocking his medical supplies when the form landed next to him. With the supplies under his arm, he picked up the parchment and gave the form a quick read. Rose? Again? What was surprising though was the absence of Gaston. Setting the rest of the supplies on a clean workstation, the Healer man showed himself out and gave the two lady staffers a friendly grin. "Good day, Kay. And...isn't this visit a bit too soon, Rose?" he was joking of course.
River crouched and inspected Rose's boot with one hand, "I can say that crup has good chompers." he said as he carefully let go of Rosalyn's foot. "Alright, let's get you healed." the Healer stood up to his full height and offered his arm to Rose. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Rose was trying to reassure her and Kay thought it was awfully nice of her. “Marshmallow will like you eventually. I’m sure.’’ But it was still so puzzling as to why the crup wasn’t taken with Rose. Very puzzling indeed. “I hope River’s not busy.’’ Just as she said the words, the man came striding towards them. “Hello, River.’’ Kay smiled dully and was promptly confused by his words. Early? What did that mean? Had Rose been here before? Meaning had something happened before? Then she was distracted by the comment about the bite. “You’ll be able to help her get healed, right?’’ Of course he could! Excuse Kay, River. She just wasn’t thinking right.
Kay hung back as River offered Rose his arm but followed them towards one of the beds.
Almost immediately River arrived.
Rosalyn had to say that she was impressed with how fast the man was; always reliable. Also a bit of a comedian. She couldn't help but laugh at his greeting. "Didn't you miss my company?" she said with a smile. Not like she didn't see him outside of the Hospital Ward or anything, but she wanted to have some fun especially if it lightened the mood a little and make Kay feel better. "Oh, yes. She does. Didn't do much damage to my foot beyond a bite, but I want to be safe because there is a chance of infection, right?" At least it seemed like a possibility to HER though she was definitely not a Healer. This was River's area of expertise. Rosalyn smiled at Kay. "I sure hope that she starts to like me more. Maybe when she isn't a baby anymore." Sometimes the little ones were like that but settled more when they were mature. At least that was her hope...
Taking River's arm, she made her way to the bed that she was being given. Surely this wouldn't take long and she knew that Kay was following right behind. |