Main Activity - Hiding eggs Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia Easter egg hunt! And it was in such a pretty field too. Rula was definitely on board with this.
Though the beeping that one of her eggs gave off posed a bit of a problem. It seemed like an obvious giveaway, didn't it? Did any of her others do that? She disillusioned the other two - and yeah, one of them also beeped, but the other one just gave off a lavender-ish smell. So at least that one might be a little easier to hide.
She cast a quick Revelio on the two beeping ones, figuring it would probably be best to wait until she had an actual hiding place before disillusioning them. Otherwise everyone would be able to hear wherever she was going, and that'd give away their locations a lot faster.
So the best place for the noisy ones...maybe in the trees? Some people might assume it was just a bird?
Probably not, but it seemed like the best idea to her.
The sixth year walked quickly over to a small group of trees, disillusioned one egg, and placed it on the edge where the branch grew out of the trunk. The beeping was going off, but at least the leaves and branches muffled it a little bit?
She then did the same with the other egg, placing it in a hole in the trunk of another tree in another group.
And now for the flowery one... Maybe just in that patch of wildflowers over there? Seemed good enough. She kinda wanted to get started on actually finding some too. So she disillusioned her third egg and placed it carefully in the middle of the flowers, trying to avoid bending or moving any of them as much as possible.
There! All her eggs were hidden. Now let the search begin!
__________________ if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥  together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger |