mini activity catch up post 2 Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz Humm. Charlotte was lost in thought hearing the professor's responses to different answers. She was eager to master this spell though. She'd never really had any reason to disillusion anything so far in her day to day life... but she supposed it would be useful.
Charlotte examined the eggs in front of her and decided to try and get all three disillusioned in one go. That would be a bit of a challenge, wouldn't it? She flicked her wand, focusing on the three eggs. "Disillusiona!" Two of the eggs flickered and then disappeared, the third was more stubborn and Charlotte frowned at it even as the scent of flowers wafted up from one of them, and the other started beeping.
Baking cookies would be better next time, and maybe something less annoying than the beeps? Eep! Charlotte tried to stay calm and not get flustered as she cast the revealing charm. Now this she was confident with already. She traced the clockwise eye shape oval thing and firmly said, "Revelio!" Managing to reveal both eggs in the one. The noise and the smell stopped.
Okay but she wanted to get three eggs at the same time!
Char looked up at Henry and smiled. "Sure!" She trusted him. He could try make her invisible if he liked. Oh, was everyone trying out the spells? Henry must not have been paying enough attention (which was not at all unusual) because he hadn't gotten quite that far with the practice. But it became increasingly apparent with all the beeping going on around him. That was kind of annoying. There were faint smells too, but they weren't quite as noticeable.
Maaaaybe he should have practiced on the eggs first before asking Charlotte if he could try practicing the wand movement on her. Because now he just wanted to see if he could disillusion her and not just practice. How cool would it be to make a person virtually invisible. In fact, it gave him an idea.
Stepping closer to her, he moved his wand around her in an exaggerated twirl. "Disillusiona!" ......was it more difficult to make a person disappear than an object?
__________________ started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________  ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line |