Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium Addison had hardly had time to address the previous students that had entered the room before the door opened again. This time rather then say anything she simply smiled at each of them giving a moments pause to see if anyone else would be joining them. "Hello, everyone. Please come take a seat anywhere you like. Once again for those few that just joined and don't know me my name is Addison Anders and I'm the Head of the department of Mysteries. What we're doing here today is getting any information we can about the Portal, which means we're speaking with anyone that has had contact with it or been inside of it. Anything you can tell us would be greatly helpful to us in finding out what it is and how to get rid of it effectively." The blonde stopped speaking then to give the fresh faces time to sit down and process what she had said.
With the quill still in her hand and ready for more note taking she looked at the students. "Alright lets start here," she nodded towards the closest person that had just arrived. If they could each tell her anything they remembered or knew about the portal in turn that would be prefect. Right now she would just sit, listen and take notes.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread! |