Thread: Law Enforcement: Training Room
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Old 03-13-2017, 12:58 AM   #34 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League
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Join Date: Dec 2007
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Becky's Bestie | Magic Pen Original Nymphadora | Lizasaurus

Gid finally stepped forward to face everyone so they could finally get started. It wasn't too bad of a group here and he was wanting to get moving. "How about we get started, I see each of you have teamed up for the duelling, wonderful. How about each of you take your places at your chosen arena and we'll go ahead and get started."

Hopefully this went smoothly, it was a smaller group.

OOC: Take a look over the rules and check out the link for the spells and health points. If you have questions, please contact me! Have fun, I'll be here throughout as will Gid if anyone needs assistance. There are no post sized requirements, this is an RP so feel free to post however you'd like! Those posts of minimum of 3, is for just the two of you, no one else's posts count.

Text Cut: Virtual Duelling
Virtual Dueling

This game is going to run similar to other virtual games, where each dueling team must post a certain number of posts before a spell manages to connect. The difference in this virtual game is that there are health points you will start with that will have deductions during the duel. First one out of health points will be the loser of the duel. You can lose points when casting a spell as well as being hit by a spell.

You can find the list of spells here. Each of the spells are categorized. On that spreadsheet it gives the name of the spell if there is one, what the spell does, the health points it takes to use it, and finally how many points are taken from the opponent when they get hit with it. You want to be careful, and watch how many points you might lose when you cast a spell, as you don’t want to run out casting the spell at the same time. If you have a spell that you know of not on the list please message me (Nymphadoraliz).
  • Teams of 2
  • There must be 3 posts between the time a spell is cast and the spell striking or not.
  • No killing one another, without prior approval from dept head.
  • Use of unforgiveable curses is not prohibited but it is disciplined for
  • Play nicely. Not everyone dodges every spell. No one’s perfect!
  • Be aware of your own charrie’s capabilities. A 1st year YATI is not going to be as advanced as an auror. This does not mean they cannot defeat them though!
  • Have fun!
How to play
Create a post and make sure to identify what is being done in the post and to whom.

Each dueler will start with 20 health points. Each time a spell is cast they will lose anywhere from 1-4 (5 for unforgiveable) points from their health.

Before a strike of a spell, 3 posts must be cast. You can cast additional in this time, or you can dodge, deflect, etc. As you can see deflect or dodge will not cause you to lose any points from your own health. However, protego will shield you but will cause you to lose points.
Dueler #1 – Casts Stupefy at Dueler 2
Dueler #2 – Dodges and casts reducto
Dueler #1 – Deflects
Dueler #2 – Is hit by own deflected spell

In this example, Dueler #1 cast stupefy and lost 2 points
Dueler #2 dodged and cast stupefy and lost 2 points
Dueler #1 deflected spell and lost 0 points
Dueler #2 hit by stupefy and lost 4 points

In the end
Dueler #1 went from 20 points to 18
Dueler #2 went from 20 points to 14, as he lost 2 for using stupefy and 4 more for being hit by the deflected spell
Simply told? That’s it. Nothing more needs to be done with each post. First person out of health points is the winner, if both lose all points in a post the duel ends in a tie.

The only thing I want on each of your posts so we can see is in the title line? Please place UN of who you are dueling and your own health points at the end of your post. So if you cast a spell with 3 health points attached, please subtract it from your last total. If you were hit by a spell, please subtract how many health points as well.

If you have any questions? PLEASE message me! Have fun!

sweetpinkpixie and DaniDiNardo
Holmesian Feline and Ginevra
SilverTiger and AlwaysSnapesGirl

Last edited by Nymphadoraliz; 03-13-2017 at 01:05 AM.
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