Seeing Hattie knocked back by her spell felt good, really good, even
if there were some conflicting emotions thrown in there having to do with the fact that they were on good terms outside of this arena. They were, and she liked the Hufflepuff well enough, but maybe not as much as she liked winning. She needed this. Her family name was involved, didn't the blonde see? She needed a win.
...Except her spell working was a
very short lived victory as the third year suddenly felt her skin changing, SPOTS surfacing, something she hadn't yet had to deal with. HER PERFECT SKIN! THE SKIN SHE SPENT AGES CARING FOR. POR-CE-LAIN SKIN. Anger surged inside her and despite the discomfort she was feeling, and relief that there were no mirrors in sight, the thirteen year old called out,
"Immobulus" in combination with the
Homing Spell and waited. WAITED to see that spell work because no one-NO ONE-messed with her skin.
...And it
hadn't even occurred to her that she could just get rid of said spots herself with a simple finite.