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Old 03-09-2017, 09:55 PM   #18 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Sweden [GMT+1]
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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Stella Marie Reed
Daily Prophet News Reporter
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means

Carlton stirred, slowly moving his legs under the cover. The bed was comfy and he snuggled into the pillow a little. What day was it? Hopefully Saturday or Sunday, which meant he could sleep juuust a tiny bit longer. With a satisfied grin he rolled over on his side and curled up into a ball. He'd go down to the great hall for some breakfast and then swing by the library to catch up on Ancient Runes before next class. And next class was... Carlton frowned. He couldn't actually remember the last class he went to, or the last thing he ate.

Portal, monster, hospital wing.

Carlton immediately opened his eyes only to realize he wasn't in his dorm. Was he alone?

He drew in a quick breath and in half a second his heart was racing as he sat up, his surroundings swaying from the sudden movement. He felt dizzy but he was prepared to run to the nearest adult. That was before he spotted one; The healer. And then his eyes landed on Henry with a tiny kitten. The 11 year old let out a relieved sigh and fell back down on the bed, pulling the cover up to his chin.

"Hi." He said quietly, staring up at the ceiling. It might be the first word he'd uttered since he got out of the portal and his throat felt dry. He had no concept on how long they were in the portal for or how long ago he came out. But he felt... Rested. And he didn't have any nightmares, just like healer Reed had promised them. He wondered how long he'd have to take that sleeping draught for. Maybe forever, or maybe healer Reed would tell him to eventually deal with the nightmares... Shudder.. He was not looking forward to leaving the hospital wing at ALL. He looked around him. Sure. He could picture himself living there. Maybe a few more colorful curtains to brighten up the place. A few plants and maybe an arcade game. He'd talk to the healer about redecorating once he was feeling a little better.

Hesitantly he began wiggling his right foot and to his surprise, it didn't hurt. He pushed himself up on his elbows and stuck his foot outside the cover to properly look at it. It wasn't red, swollen or hurting anymore. Carlton looked over at healer Reed, wiggling his ankle to him like a little foot-wave. That was a thing. "Lookit, healer Reed." Carlton mumbled, giving the man a toe-wiggle as well for good measure. "My foot is back to normal."

People really took their feet for granted. Carlton would appreciate both of his ankles every day from now on. Thank you little feet for taking me places.
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