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Old 03-09-2017, 04:09 PM   #15 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Whether it was the Head GIRL or the Headmistress... Dora would have kept walking, really. But, she had slowed down a smidge, so that counted for something, right?


"Ah. But by that same logic that means we're not safe being quarantined to our common rooms. " And THAT was the thing that made Dora feel less safe than being in a corridor alone, really. "And do YOU know how to make the portal stop? " Because of she didn't - and Dora had a feeling NO ONE did- then Dora didn't feel any bit safer with her accompanying her to the loo or anywhere else.

Nothing personal, of course, she just didn't think the school administration had thought this all through is all.

"Oh I was just walking over to the bronze knocker. I need to see my boyfriend." The Head Girl had broken plenty of rules in her time at Hogwarts, right! She totally understood. Dora was certain of it.
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