H:275 m:185 f:12 Mischievous Niffler Since last time Char had deflected a spell in another direction, she'd assumed she'd do the same this time - and when she realized differently it was already too late. Cantis hit her full on the face! "Na na na na na na na!" So THIS was what Cantis felt like in a duel! Kitty felt like singing - and anything would do. But she knew she was in a duel, so she forced her muse to shut up before she started singing an epic love song to Tenacius. Instead she just sang the words, "Na na na na na na!" in a slightly shrill tone, sidestepping out of the way of Ventus and that weird spell that would transform her ears. "La la la!" she sang for a little diversity, before pointing her wand at her throat and shouting in a sing-song voice, "Na na na - FINITE!"
Blushing from sheer embarrassment and panting from exhaustion, Kitty pointed her wobbly wand at Char and sent a trip jinx at her and with the last burst of her energy, a Tarantalegra. "Take that!"
Last edited by Goblinfrog; 03-12-2017 at 04:21 PM.
Reason: Updating points